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他按原路折回。He retraced his steps.

他折回去拿他的手提包。She went back to get her handbag.

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猎犬折回小山谷想再找寻到嗅迹。The hounds harked back to the dells.

我们又愉快地折回泥泞的道路。And we gaily return to the miry path.

像是要下雨了。我们最好还是折回去吧。It looks like rain. We'd better turn back.

那个逃跑的男孩突然循原路折回。The escaped boy doubled back on his tracks.

他们顺原路又折回到他们出发的地点。They retraced their steps to where they started.

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那时,几营汉诺威军队向后折回了。Nevertheless, some Hanoverian battalions yielded.

前面的路已遭水淹,我们只好原路折回。The road ahead is flooded so we have to double back.

为了逃避猎人的追捕,狐狸循原路折回。The fox redoubled on its trail to escape the hunters.

我终于觉得可以折回来向木寨方向走去了。At length I thought I might return towards the stockade.

他们在最后一刻折回,逃过一劫。At the last minute they turned back and escaped the attack.

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当他看到警察走来时他又穿过大街折回。He repassed the street when he saw the policeman coming up.

正在这个时候,这只不死心的猫又折回来了。Just at that time, the cat unwilling to give up returned back.

接着他折回港口,返回了英国。Then he retraced his steps to the port and returned to England.

牧师于是颤抖起来,折回自己的房间祷告去了。And the Priest trembled, and returned to his own house and prayed.

如果原路折回到车子那里,就有可能寻回你的票。You might find your ticket if you retrace your steps back to the car.

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一个人的世界开始膨胀之后,很难再折回去原来的样子。The world began a difficult after inflation, back to its original form.

我已经令人惊喜地绕了一圈,这事好像是我的生活中一场按原路折回的演习。I had made a surprise loop, it seemed, a double-back maneuver in my life.

她出发向大街跑去,但是突然折回头向屋子跑去。She started running towards the street but suddenly doubled back to the house.