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稀稀拉拉的雨点开始落下来。Spots of rain had begun to fall.

声音从一片稀稀拉拉的杂树林中传来。The voices were coming from a copse of straggly trees.

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平常的庆贺人群明显稀稀拉拉。The usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent.

天上只有稀稀拉拉的几颗晨星。There were only a few scattered stars in the morning sky.

老师的家在郊区,那里稀稀拉拉有几处房子。The teacher's house is in the suburb where the houses are sparse.

代表们的掌声稀稀拉拉,几近于无。The applause from the delegates was thin to the point of non-existence.

到温哥华的时候,车上只剩下稀稀拉拉的几个人。By the time we've reached Vancouver, there are very few people left on the train.

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除了唐人街稀稀拉拉地装点起来以外,城市的其余地区都置身于外。Apart from the sparse decorations in Chinatown, the rest of the city weren't partaking.

庄稼长得稀稀拉拉,果子都被虫吃了,动物们变得又瘦又弱。The crops grew sparse, the fruit was eaten by worms, and the animals became thin and weak.

初冬,天气干燥寒冷,大街上稀稀拉拉的人们都是忙于生计的。Early winter, the weather was dry and cold, the streets are busy with sparse livelihood of the people.

她走了——临出门时,说“晚安”——我从自己的桶里取出牙膏牙刷,当我把牙刷伸到水龙头下面时,注意到在我旁边的洗脸池里,有稀稀拉拉、又粗又短的黑毛儿。When she was gone—on the way out, she said, “G’nighty”—I pulled my toothbrush and toothpaste from my own bucket.

望着稀稀拉拉的路人,“笑笑团”团长李想开始担心活动是否能达到预计效果。Li Xiang, the head of "Laughing group" , began to worry about whether the activities could achieve the expected results.

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院子里那一点点青草现在稀稀拉拉紧贴在地面上,就象是阴沟水流过以后那样。What little grass there was in the yard was plastered sparsely down on the ground, the way the drainage water had left it.

通过设置一些出泥孔、稀稀拉拉的小水塘和一些可以阴影区域,建筑师创造了一个可以供动物自由玩耍、种群活动的场所。With mud holes, scattered pools of water and shading objects, it will be a place where the animals can play and interact freely.

他轻捋着他那稀稀拉拉的、遮盖了下巴和脖子的胡须,然后他将身子转回办公桌前并朝我这边俯过来。He stroked the scraggly beard that covered his chin and his neck. Then, he returned to his spot behind the desk and leaned toward me.

你往上走的时候,差一点就踩到了带着一群孩子的鹌鹑母亲,它们正鸣叫着稀稀拉拉地往灌木丛走去。And as you went up you nearly trod on a mother with her dozen or more little baby quails and they scattered with chirping into the bushes.

稀稀拉拉的残存的光秃秃的被烧焦的树干在沉默中表达了追求经济增长给我们的自然资源带来的损害。Sparse bare remnants of the charred tree trunks in silence the expression of the pursuit of economic growth to our natural resources damage.

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空旷的街上偶尔出现的游荡的野猫是这里的生命迹象,留下来的几条狗稀稀拉拉拖出一条长线。Stray cats provide a flicker of movement as they wander in the newly emptied landscape. A few dogs have been left behind, one trailing its lead.

在机场我先买了几罐菠罗汁解渴,之后就同我那帮稀稀拉拉的武士们一起飞往马绍尔群岛的夸贾林岛。At the field I bought several cans of pineapple juice to slake my thirst and took off with my unkempt warriors for Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands.

稀稀拉拉的残存的光秃秃的被烧焦的树干在沉默中表达了追求经济增长给我们的自然资源带来的损害。Sparse surviving bare the bough which scorched in the silence was expressed the pursue economic growth the harm which brought for ours natural resource.