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中国佛教以印度佛教为母国,中国比丘尼制度也源于印度。China Buddhism and Bhkuni Sangha both originated from India.

在三个月的安居期间,比丘和比丘尼习惯于日中一餐。In a three-month retreat, monks and nun used to have a formal meal every day.

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由于受僧团戒律学习的限制,有关比丘和比丘尼戒法的内容不能详录。Restricted by the precepts, details of regulations for monks and nuns cannot be recorded.

如果出现任何错漏,都是愚痴的比丘尼强帕的过失,敬请原谅!All of the mistakes are the fault of the bumbling Bhiksuni called Jampa Chodron, so please forgive me.

大乘佛教的比丘与比丘尼所奉行的律藏,是由一些非大乘的部派所结集的。Mahayana Buddhist monks and nuns adhered to Vinaya rules which were formulated by the non- Mahayana traditions.

家庭成员也同样参加比丘尼的丧事、为其修建灰身塔并撰写铭文等。Family members also participated in funeral things for Buddhist nuns, as well as built gray towers and wrote posies.

尼瓦佛教有一些独特地方,如提供在家人,那些不愿也不想受剃度而成为永久性出家比丘与比丘尼去寻求更高阶层的修行与教导。It has something unique to offer lay people seeking high level practice and teachings but unwilling or unable to ordain as monks or nuns permanently.

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外在事物和习惯属于僧人和比丘尼的生活环境,是日常事务的一部分,因此,它们自然会引发僧尼的观念和态度。Objects and practices belong to the living environment of monks and nuns, and are part of daily business, thus naturally evoking ideas and attitudes.

尼僧,是指专门从事佛教活动的出家女性,包括沙弥尼、式叉尼和比丘尼。The nuns refer to the women who are engaged in the activities of Buddhist in their full lives, including novices Niger, Nigeria and nuns of the fork.

可以说,主动或被动地纠葛于佛教戒律与世俗社会之中,是两晋南北朝比丘尼信仰与生活的重要特点。They are tangled in the taboo of Buddhism and the social reality actively and passively, which is the main feature of the bhikshuni's faith and life.

谶摩比丘尼出生于古印度摩羯陀国的皇室,当她已届适婚年龄,她嫁给了频婆娑罗王,成为这位大国王的众妃之一。The nun Khema belonged to a royal family from the land of Magadha. When she was of marriageable age, she became one of the chief consorts of King Bimbisara.

另一位比丘尼学者、美国密西根大学的苏模则以女性的身份,要大家在谈公义的同时,也应该注意宗教的性别歧视问题。Sumo, a Buddhist nun from the University of Michigan, stressed that while discussing justice we need to keep in mind the effect of gender discrimination in religion.

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本文通过其中李元珪和尚纪德幢及比丘尼澄璨尊胜经幢史料记事的探讨,拓展了人们关于“龙门十寺”外延概念的认识。Though the discussion of the Stone Pillars of LI Yuangui and Nun Chengcan, this article tries to revising and expands concept of the ten monasteries located around Longmen Grottoes.