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这是为厨房购置的吗?Sub-Zero addition for her kitchen?

这是为厨房购置的吗?A Sub-Zero addition for her kitchen?

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步行弓骑兵一应装备由国王拨款购置。Well armed and armoured by the King.

这些购置是用现款支付的。The purchases were paid for with cash.

我们购置了几件贵重的珠宝饰物。We have purchased some valuable jewelry.

他们购置了新机器用来印海报。They bought a new machine to print the posters.

在中国购置的积分卡在这里能够用吗?。May I use the point card that I bought in China?

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与此同时,阿尔瓦为一座工厂购置了土地。Meanwhile, Mr. Alva acquired land for a factory.

他们据说是以200000英镑的价格购置的那所房子。They bought the house at a rumoured price of 200000.

黑帮总在黑市购置攻击性兵器。Gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market.

我当前会持续购置这个产品的。I have and will continue to re-purchase this product.

早上7点钟,MBA购置申请标将会被发布。At 7 a.m. ET, MBA Purchase Applications will be released.

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能否可在此购置游历巴士券?。Can Iget nearicket for the sight-seeing shuttle bus here?

而所需要的食物和其他物品,只须在康定购置就行。We bought all the food and other necessities in Kangding.

拍卖会上,买主竞价,为自己的工厂购置羊毛。At auction the buyer bid and bought the wool for his mill.

因为他需要一个体面的家,购置体面的物什。Because he wants a nice home and to buy lots of nice things.

你们为重新粉刷学校兜售包装纸,为购置新家具兜售体恤衫You sold wrapping paper for paint, T shirts for new furniture

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郭琪宜表示他的朋友们也都为参加面试购置了新衣。Guo said his friends had also bought new clothes for interviews.

玛戈5000已经购置的,法国,比利时和卢森堡。MARGOT 5000 has been procured by France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

购置时请备注需求的色彩,谢谢。Please wirte down the color you need when make order, Thank you!