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现年77岁的郭佩珍,精神矍铄。Kwok Pui Chun, now 77 years old, hale and hearty.

那个硬朗矍铄的人就给归入老人的行列了。The hale and hearty man is counted among the old.

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一位红光满面,精神矍铄的老人朝我走来。A fine old man came to me, with a face as red as a rose.

尽管巴金先生已经95岁了,但他仍然精神矍铄。Although 95 years old, Mr. Ba Jin is still hale and hearty.

我爷爷今年66岁,依然身体健康,精神矍铄。My grandpa is 66 years old but still healthy and often on the go.

他虽身体虚弱,但精神矍铄,常常在布满书籍的书房里接见客人。He's frail but chipper as he receives guests in his book-lined study.

他虽身体虚弱,但精神矍铄,常常在布满书籍的书房里接见客人。He's frail but chipper, as he receives guests in his book-lined study.

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虽然妈妈精神依然矍铄,但身体却差了。While my mother's spirit remained indomitable, her health turned poor.

我爷爷是位鹤发童颜的矍铄老人。Having white hair and ruddy complexion, my grandfather is hale and hearty.

如同来自肢刑架的一个人新的矍铄,就使我的四肢长久的束缚。Even like a man new haled from the rack, So fare my limbs with long imprisonment.

我父亲的短发完全灰白了,可是他仍然精神矍铄。My father's cropped hair was now completely grey, but he was still hale and hearty.

已过“耳顺之年”的王国春精神矍铄,说话时更是掷地有声。Over "a year ear-shun" the spirit of Wang Guochun healthy, speak more resounding yes.

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老婆婆惊目细看,见他鹤发童颜、精神矍铄,气宇不凡。Head scared the old lady look at, to see him mental healthy, bearing out of the ordinary.

妻子婆惊目细看,见他老气横秋、肉体矍铄,气宇非凡。Old woman surprised eyes look, and, behold, he HeFaTongYan, hale and hearty, the extraordinary.

而卡斯特罗的矍铄之容很有可能会激怒从古巴逃亡到美国迈阿密的流亡者们,他们将卡斯特罗视作毁灭古巴的暴君。The image is likely to infuriate Miami exiles who consider Castro a tyrant who ruined the island.

老婆婆惊目细看,见他鹤发童颜、精神矍铄,气宇不凡。The granny was shocked, peered at him and found he had white hair, but he was quite healthy, hale and hearty.

恩圭马先生已经67岁了,但是精神矍铄,而且定期到国外做身体检查。他说还不打算退休。A sprightly 67-year-old who has regular health check-ups abroad, Mr Nguema says he has no plans to leave office.

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而且他们张的都蛮可爱的,大头小身,蘑菇脑袋,笑容璀璨,精神矍铄,一看就是日本人。Plus Plus, they all look really cute, big head small body, mushroom hair style, big bright smile, and electrified energetic.

在美丽的世纪园里,人们经常会看到一位精神矍铄、风度翩翩的外国老人。他就是来自美国的外教——可汗老师。In our campus, a gentle hearty senior man is always seen. He is the one I am going to talk about, Mr. Cahan, our foreign teacher from the USA.

唯一可以瞻仰的是正对着天安门的这个伟大的舵手精神矍铄的肖像,而他的灵魂则仍在北京庆典活动中萦绕。The only sign of the Great Helmsman was his pink-cheeked portrait facing Tiananmen Square. But Mao’s ghost still hung over the Beijing festivities.