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亚哈王气冲冲地问。Ahab asked angrily.

他气冲冲地走出了房间。He stormed out of the room.

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你气冲冲的离开的房间。You stormed out of the room.

但是,我嘴里什么都没说,气冲冲地走了。But I didn ‘t say anything and stormed off.

但是,我嘴里什么都没说,气冲冲地走了。But I didn't say anything and stormed off8.

他气冲冲地急忙戴上帽子走出去了。He clapped his hat on angrily and walked out.

她把文件往桌子上一摔便气冲冲地走了。She fling the papers on the desk and leave angrily.

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到门口时,我听见里面传来气冲冲的说话声。When I came to the door I heard angry voices inside.

紫环气冲冲地站了起来。The purple wreath annoys dull blunt the ground stand get up.

“现在带我到你家去!”老师努气冲冲地说。"Well then, take me to your home! "says the teacher angrily.

最后他气冲冲地上床去睡觉,僵挺挺地躺在床上,不理睬她。At last he went to bed in a rage, and lay stiff , away from her.

有一个男的比较不讲究---在那个志愿者气冲冲的要走开的时候给了他一拳。One man sucker-punched the volunteer before the men angrily stalked off.

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过一会儿,阿嬷回来了,可是还没踏进门就气冲冲地叫著媳妇。After a while, grandmother back, but have not entered the door angrily shouted wife.

“约翰爵士,”玛丽安气冲冲地说道,“我特别不喜欢你那个字眼。"That is an expression, Sir John, " said Marianne, warmly, "which I particularly dislike.

我终于受够了,我停下脚,我转过身。“滚远点!”我气冲冲地跺脚大叫。At last I'd had enough. I stopped. I turned. "LEAVE ME ALONE! " I stomped my foot angrily.

这人立即冲我咆哮,然后气冲冲地走了。The person promptly muttered something about blasts and me, then she walked away in a huff.

“行啊,”他总是这么简单地回答一句。他早就厌倦这类怨气冲冲的话题了。"All right, " was his only reply. He had long since wearied of discussing the rancorous subject.

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所以,有一天当一个生气的顾客气冲冲地来到我的工作台时,我还是非常平静地问她,“有什么问题吗?”So when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?

布拉泥正想说他与四妹情投意合,刘母却气冲冲地闯了进来。Blah mud is want to say that he and four younger sister after, but liu mother angrily breaking in.

所以,有一天当一个生气的顾客气冲冲地来到我的工作台时,我还是非常平静地问她,“有什么问题吗?”So when one irate customer stomp3ed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?"