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旗帜在风中飘舞着。Flags danced in the wind.

三色旗帜到处都是。The tricolor is everywhere.

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旗帜在空中飘扬。Flags are waving in the air.

微风吹动了旗帜。The breeze animated the flags.

看到高高飘扬的旗帜,您就应该知道。When you see the flag on high.

晚风吹动旗帜。A night wind waved the banners.

蓝军旗帜飘荡在南非的天空。Italian Azzurro on African sky.

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让蓝色的旗帜永远高高飘扬!Keep the Blue Flag Flying High!

那旗帜降了半旗。The flag ruffled in the breeze.

旗帜在劲风中飘扬。Flags are whipping in high wind.

旗帜在每根旗杆上飘扬。Flags were flying on every mast.

刚铎的旗帜,不见白树与七星。Tree and stars, on flag no more.

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他把旗帜覆盖在遗体上。He draped the flag over the body.

旗帜在微风中飘扬。The flag fluttered in the breeze.

旗帜在空中飘扬。The flag was aflutter in the air.

落魄者高擎我的旗帜。The wretched hold my banner high.

像一面血红的旗帜。Before him, like a blood-red flag.

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以多恩为据点举起旗帜。Land in Dorne and raise my banners.

一一和平发展是旗帜。Peaceful development is the banner.

他们并没有挥舞旗帜或者古兰经。They did not wave banners or Korans.