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这只是一个前提。There is only one premise.

前提就是人格不会分裂。Provided there's no splitting.

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这一前提显然是错误的。This premise is clearly false.

基本前提是什么?So what are the basic premises?

前提是不加任何的糖和奶精。Just avoid all the sugar and milk!

这里有五个基本前提。So here are the five basic premises.

一种是加上隐含的前提。One is by adding suppressed premises.

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对不起是突然放出那种前提。Sorry the premise as startly as that.

我们试着研究一下前提条件Let's try to get that up in premises."

但是记住这里有一个”市场推广不错的“的关键前提。But "well-marketed" is the key word here.

前提二为真吗?,为假吗?Could premise two be true-I'm sorry false?

我准备向他提出一个他弗成能谢绝的前提。Im gonna make him an offer he cant refuse.

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可适用的前提条件和后置条件Applicable preconditions and postconditions

给我们点原因来相信前提二吧Give us some reason to believe premise two.

我为什么必须同意你的那个前提?Why should I agree with you on that premise?

每一个前提都是一个主张的句子。Each of the premises is an asserted sentence.

这是一个需要进行考问的前提性问题。This is a premise problem that must be asked.

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然而前提虚假的证据是无可争辩的。Yet the evidence of its falsity is undeniable.

你可能想把另一个前提放在这。You might want to put another premise in here.

而这里的每一个前提都可能站不住脚And each one of the premises can be challenged.