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如果你是个烟民,停止吸烟。If you are a smoker, stop smoking.

难道烟民比恋童癖者还不堪吗?Have smokers become more maligned than pedophiles?

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除此而外,粗心的烟民还可能引起火灾。Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

烟民普遍较非吸烟者消瘦。But smokers are, on average, skinnier than nonsmokers.

尼古丁和可替宁含量高的被视为“老烟民”。and those with high levels were considered regular smokers.

普通的烟民一年要吸掉超过5000支烟。The average smoker needs over five thousand cigarettes a year.

研究显示,如果你的朋友都是烟民,你也很可能会加入他们。If your friends are smokers, you tend to light up too, studies show.

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但是许多国家80%的烟民是18岁以前就开始吸烟的。But 80 percent of smokers in many countries start before the age of 18.

而且这些非烟民还有可能也开始吸烟,因此,借火搭讪是一种威胁健康的举动。The non-smokers may then start to smoke too and so this is a health risk.

你的第一次戒烟计划就成功地是你从一个烟民变成了一个五烟人士。Your first attempt to quit smoking lead you to become a permanent nonsmoker.

现在又出现一种新的政治迫害——谓之将烟民归为贱民。There's a new form of witch-hunting -- it's called 'turn-smokers-into-pariahs'.

尽管大多数烟民都知道吸烟的危害,可他们还是不愿戒掉。Though most smokers are aware of the dangers of smoking, they won't give it up.

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在最初的产品试用中,环保香烟就深受烟民的欢迎In initial product trials, the eco-cigarettes have proven popular among smokers.

烟民比非吸烟人士要服用较多伟哥才有反应。Smokers needed a higher dose than non-smokers to derive any benefit from Viagra.

如果你在烟民面前展现一只烟,他的腹侧纹状体就会被激活。If you show a smoker a cigarette for example, the ventral striatum is activated".

借火搭讪因卓有成效而使得非烟民也试图混迹于搭讪群中。Smirting has been so successful that non-smokers try to mingle with the smirters.

长期以来,二手烟也增加了非烟民的患病几率。Over the long term, secondhand smoke also raises the risk of disease in nonsmokers.

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他说,重塑形象能帮助TTM更有效地与烟民沟通。The rebranding could help the TTM communicate more efficiently with smokers, he said.

我明白你的意思。但问题是我们大多数人都是烟民,工作的时候需要吸烟。I see your point. The problem is most of us are smokers and need to smoke when working.

世卫组织称,烟民在吸电子香烟时会将纯雾体尼古丁吸入肺部。The WHO said people who puff on cigarettes inhale a fine mist of nicotine in the lungs.