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图为一男子赤膊走在“城中村”在一个小巷。Pictured is a male shirtless walk in the "Villages" in an alley.

个人而言,对于那些大热天赤膊跑步者我没什么意见。Personally, I don't have a problem with shirtless runners in the hot weather.

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强盗头目当然不会在乎赤膊,于是就脱内衣。The head gangster, of course, cared nothing about being half-naked, and put off his underwear.

强盗头目当然不会在乎赤膊,于是就脱内衣。The bandit certainly felt no shame in being half-naked . Then they stripped off their underclothes.

不准染彩色头发,不许穿拖鞋与赤膊者进入教学区、图书馆等公共场所。Don't tint you hair. Don't wear sleepers or bare breast in teaching areas, library or other public places.

那个曾茫然地看着厨窗外的树下男孩,现在却是一个赤膊舞动的舞蹈天才。The boy from under the tree, who stared blankly out the kitchen window, was now a shirtless dancing wonder.

“解放上半身”的拥护者还提出,女人能被赤膊的男人吸引,男人同样也可以被赤膊的女人吸引。Free the Nipple advocates also argue that women can be as attracted to shirtless men as men can be to shirtless women.

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第三条船的下甲板上,一位年纪稍长的船夫正赤膊倚在一支桨上,茫然地瞪着我们的船。On the lower deck in a third, an oldish-looking, bare-bodied fellow is leaning over an oar, staring vacantly at our boat.

前纽约国会议员,已婚的他送给在克雷格列表网认识的女人一张自己的赤膊照片,并声称自己已离婚。The former New YorkCongressman and married father sent shirtlessphotos of himself to a woman he met on Craigslist, claiming he was divorced.

比如,在大多数场合男人们都能够合法的赤膊,而女人如果这样做将会有因“非法裸露”的理由被逮捕的风险。For example, I can legally run most places without wearing a shirt. A woman runner doing the same thing would risk being arrested for indecent exposure.

很明显这样又降温效果,除此之外,我确信那些赤膊跑步者也认为这样不会让他们晒成烤土豆,也不会又晒痕。Besides the obvious cooling effect, I'm sure men who run shirtless also appreciate that it helps them avoid nipple chafing and the classic runner's T-shirt tan.

但是在一个乒乓强将可以比拟摇滚巨星的国度里,王励勤已经茁壮成长为一位英姿俊朗的帅气男子,不时地摆着赤膊造型,出现在媒体照片中。But in a country where ping-pong prowess can confer rock-star status, Wang has evolved into quite the sex bomb, occasionally posing bare-chested in photo shoots.

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请穿着运动服、运动鞋进入器械区,请自带饮用水及毛巾,严禁赤膊锻炼。If you go to the equipment district, please dress sports wear and sports shoe, bring drinking water and towel for yourself, barebacked exercise is strictly prohibited.

扑克变点,三张巧变,红桃3变为黑桃A,普通扑克牌不需要任何道具赤膊演变,变后不重牌不多牌不少牌。Poker points, three Zhang Qiao, 3 of hearts into A spades, ordinary playing cards do not need any props barebacked evolution, after not much many licensing licensing licensing.

但是这位老者并没有向家人透漏的是,他本该在敬老院中度过的生活,却充斥着和年轻到足以做他孙女的女孩子们赤膊相见的画面。But what this senior citizen didn't say was that those scenes, often staged in would-be retirement homes, involved getting naked with actresses young enough to be his granddaughter.

在震耳欲聋的电子音乐中,成群结队的赤膊人、穿着比基尼的西方游客摇摆着,其它人坐着摇晃木船从三层楼高的水平面冲下。By the launch site, hordes of shirtless and bikini-clad Western tourists gyrate to deafening techno music, as others hurtle into the river from rickety wooden platforms three stories high.

然而突然,糟糕得很,我崇拜的那副美好的裸体,投入了台灯下一双男人赤膊的肩膀,他穿着内衣裤,读着报纸,靠在敞开的窗边,沉浸在,炎热,潮湿,绝望的夏夜里。But abruptly, fiendishly, the tender pattern of nudity I had adored would be transformed into the disgusting lamp-lit bare arm of a man in his underclothes reading his paper by the open window in the hot, damp, hopeless summer night.