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为什么近来我的渔轮抛投不顺。My reel doesn't cast well recently.

生活中不顺意的事一大堆。Do not ring true meaning of life a lot.

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别因为今天你不顺就拿我撒气。Don"t take your frustration out on me."

它既锋利又不顺溜,遍身都是硬朗的线条。It was so sharp and jagged and full of hard lines.

排尿不顺或感觉疼痛或有灼热感。Difficulty during urination, or feel pain or burns.

生活不顺的时候哈克会怎么处理呢When things don't go right for Huck, what does he do?

只要稍不顺意,他就大发雷霆。He would be furious if there is the slightest mistake.

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我老早就不顺那个庄律师了。I have been long unsatisfied with that attorney Zhuang.

你这篇作文写得太不顺溜了,必须修改!Your composition is too awkward, so you must revise it!

什么事都不顺。我孤单一人。我生病了。Everything was going horrible. I was lonely. I was sick.

当地人认为,这样的稻草人象征着过去一年所有的烦恼和不顺。The scarecrow symbolizes all the bad things of the last year.

更合适的回应是“我正经历不顺。More appropriate would be "I'm going through a rough patch now.

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我们感情不顺就要拿无辜的塞隆人出气吗?。Are we taking our relationship frustration out on innocent cylons ?

⑥自然保护区管理落后、体制不顺等问题。Under-developed management and hindered system in natural reserves.

今天,如果你遇到了不顺的情况,你的任务就是找出有利因素。Today, when a challenging situation emerges, your task is to find it.

亚历克对于相处不顺的情况也提出了建议。Alec also offers advice for when relationships don’t work out so well.

如听了牌大都不顺时会露出烦躁不安的神色。Such as listening to the card are not shun will reveal dysphoria look.

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看看这样的行为,就是因为环境不顺意,所以引起内心的瞋怒。This is how unfavorable circumstances can stir up inner anger and rage.

以下的三个提议,能让你在诸事不顺的日子心情一振。Here are three suggestions to cheer you up when you're having a bad day.

天主教会与中国民族主义的关系一直不顺。The Catholic church has a difficult relationship with Chinese nationalism.