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愿尽绵薄。I'll do what little I can.

我竭尽绵薄之力将仅有的钱都给了他。I gave him what little mony I had.

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希望得出的结论能为杜注的研究略尽绵薄。Hope that the conclusions of the study for Du Note slightly crew market.

我想每个人都要为环境贡献绵薄之力,这一点很重要。I think it's important that everybody does their bit for the environment.

我得知这个消息非常喜悦,因为我知道可以尽自己一份绵薄之力了。I learned this news is very pleased, because I know you can do your render a.

你是否避免使用塑料袋,认为自己正在为地球尽“绵薄之力”?Are you eschewing plastic bags, imagining you're "doing your bit" for the planet?

我一定尽自已最大努力,为公司贡献自已的绵薄之力,与公司一起共同成长。I surely will try my best to do what I can do for the company, and grow up with it.

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与创业者一样,我们作为研究人员也对我们所居住的星球起付出了绵薄之力。Like entrepreneurs, we as researchers do play a small part in creating the world we inhabit.

麒麟电视希望在弘扬中华文化上尽一些绵薄之力。It is Kylin TV's wish to contribute to the work of spreading traditional Chinese culture around the world.

我们希望尽一点绵薄之力,让我们的研究能带给大家一些有益的启示。Our hope offer some humble effort, let our researches be able to bring everyone some beneficial apocalypse.

有些事情可能我也不喜欢做,但我会尽我的绵薄之力使事情变得容易些。The task can be something I absolutely hate, and yet I will put forth my effort to help make things easier.

作为一个普通公民,我将永远不会停止尽一点绵薄之力,帮助这个世界沿这这个路线前进。As a private citizen, I shall never cease to do what little I can to help the world advance along that road.

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希望为城市行政管执法的理论和实践的发展尽自己的一份绵薄之力。Hope for urban administration tube law enforcement theory and a practice development own one's pygmy effort.

我看着同学与同事的离去,是谁在茬莆时光中,以绵薄之力换以欣慰?I watched with fellow classmates who are left, corn-straw mammal in moment to contribute ourselves in relief?

本文尝试探讨实行过限的有关问题,希望能够对实行过限的理论发展尽一些绵薄之力。This paper attempt study the surplus behavior and hope to implement some way to the development of the theory.

为了国家的利益,使自己的一生边为有用的一生,纵然只能效绵薄之力,我也会热血沸腾。In the interests of the state, make our lives while useful life, even can contribute to the effect, I will fire.

可如今我顾不得本身的福祉了,起首要做的既是用本身绵薄之力点醒少数梦中间人。But now I did not own happiness, the first thing to do is use yourself maybe wake up a few propelling the points.

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如果中国企业能为非洲发展尽绵薄之力,我会非常高兴。"I will be glad to see Chinese enterprises make due contributions to the development of Africa," said Premier Wen.

可如今我顾不得自己的幸福了,起首要做的既是用自己绵薄之力点醒少量梦中人。But now I did not own happiness, the first thellong to do is use yourself maybe wake up a few propelling the points.

但不管怎样,这也算为数不多的研究者,在闲聊是否对人有益方面,贡献出的绵薄之力。But it's nonetheless one of the few times researchers have attributed anything beneficial to the silly art of gossip.