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遗传学家也成功入阁。Geneticists , too, get a look in.

新联合政府中有18位保守党大臣,自民党中则有5位成员入阁。There are 18 Conservative ministers and 5 Liberal Democrats in the new Cabinet.

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据信入阁的青年人包括拉胡尔.甘地,他是国大党主席索尼娅.甘地的儿子。There is some belief that will include Rahul Gandhi, son of Congress Party President, Sonia Gandhi.

由于民主党创党10年以来,从未担任过执政党,因此很少成员有入阁经验。Because the Democrats have never held power in their 10-year existence, few have had Cabinet-level experience.

工党政府也经过很长时间,才让这些新进议员凭借其自身努力在2001年,乃至2005年入阁。The Labour government has been around for so long that new entrants in 2001 and even 2005 have worked their way into the cabinet.

尤其对于作为经济财政大臣而入阁的与谢野馨前官房长官,在野党进行了强烈的批判。Especially for the cabinet as Minister of Economy and Finance of the former Yosano chief, was highly critical of the opposition parties.

奥巴马一拿下总统宝座后就做出一个最为出格的抉择,就是让希拉里.克林顿入阁当国务卿。ONE of Barack Obama’s riskiest decisions, on winning the presidential election, was to choose Hillary Clinton as his secretary of state.

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希拉里的一位不愿透露姓名的密友说,在这通电话之前,希拉里对于其入阁前景始终持怀疑态度。Before the call, Mrs. Clinton was skeptical about the prospect of joining the cabinet, said her confidants, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the situation.

那些老面孔都集中在经济和国家安全部门,时值美国处于反恐战争和经济动荡之际,奥巴马想以延揽这些人入阁来向外界发出安抚信号。The old faces are grouped in the economics and national-security camps, an effort by Mr. Obama to send reassuring signals at a time of war and economic upheaval.

日本最重要的外交任务,将落在新任外务大臣冈田克也的身上,冈田克也过去担任经济产业省幕僚,这是他第一次入阁。Japan's top diplomatic duties will fall to the new foreign minister, Katsuya Okada, a former bureaucrat the trade ministry with no previous Cabinet-level experience.

经过1928年的普选,相继发生了铃木内相失言、久原入阁以及水野文相事件等政局变动。After elections in 1928, some political change occurred in succession, such as Suzuki minister dropped a brick, Kuhara-Husanosuke joined the cabinet, Mizuno minister event.

官员拣选入阁的潜显规则相互作用,在明代政治生活中发挥了极其重要作用。The apparent and latent regulation interacted in the course of selecting the officials into the Cabinet, which played an important role in the political arena of the Ming Dynasty.

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民主党籍的纳波利塔诺早在奥巴马竞选期间就已鼎力支持,并且多次被媒体点名将入阁.The Democratic governor, a supporter and campaigner for Obama's presidential campaign, had been reported to be on a short list of people to fill cabinet posts in the new administration.

我向国会表明,一如我向入阁的大臣们所表明的,我所能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水我们所面临的将是一场极其严酷的考验,将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.