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企鹅将军始终赢得斗智周旋。Penguin Generals always win in a battle of wits.

帮派人员在玩弄斗智施暴的玩艺儿。The gang members are playing a cat-and mouse game.

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毕竟愿意下棋的唯一理由,就是那在棋盘上斗智的过程。The only reason to play was the process of playing.

他与摩尔福斯间不断的斗智,造就了许多令人回味无穷的事件。His ongoing battle of wits with Herlock Sholmes accounts for some memorable events.

榭内横梁上彩绘历史上著名的“孙庞斗智”故事。Its beams bear colored paintings illustrating the story about Sun Bin and Pang Juan.

我通常选择于开始一次新飘流前跟可疑的鱼儿斗斗智。I usually elect to play mind games with any suspected fish before beginning a new drift.

投标报价是一个斗智的过程,园林工程项目也不例外。Bidding is a battle of wits, and landscape engineering projects make no exceptions as well.

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当然这里不仅运用了技巧,而且还在斗智上胜过了一个有奉事的对手。Here of course there is not only the exercise of skill but the outwitting of a skilled opponent.

我向他发誓,在今后的三年中,每天我都要到他这里来,来跟他斗智、斗嘴、斗乐。I swore to him that I would come here every day for the next three years to play and make fun of him.

从个性上说,我喜欢保护受害者,喜欢斗智。My personal temperament is that I like protecting victims and I like to engage in intellectual combat.

下棋只是为了消遣,其所以能使这样多人嗜此不疲者,是因为它颇合于人类好斗的本能,这是一种“斗智不斗力”的游戏。Most players of chess play just for diversion. Chess has so many enthusiasts only because it suits man's bellicosity.

排除这些外在的因素,还要和交战的对手斗智斗力,比冷静抗压。Under such circumstance, a good player needs to overcome all the external interferences, and rivals the opponent in wise, power and calmness.

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警察谋略是研究警察领域中敌对双方斗智的一种方略和形成思维机制的学说,擒敌谋略反映擒敌指导思想的一般性规律。The police stratagem is a stratagem, which is used when policemen fight with criminals and it is also a kind of theory to create a way of thought.

剧中,爱国肉体与英雄主义、铁血丹心与人世常情、斗智与斗勇、友谊与爱情交相辉映。The play, patriotic spirit and heroism, educational and the world, custom, &3 with onlooker conspiracy, friendship and love hand in photograph reflect.

第二,当青少年虽然看起来纯粹是懒散地闲荡,但只需坚持说他们在脑中工作,就铁定能在与成年人的斗智中占上风。Second, teenagers will irrevocably gain the upper hand over adults by insisting they are working "in their heads" while appearing simply to be lolling around.

你也许在被你的计划管理者忠实地”宰杀“,这时候,只有你比他更聪明而去“斗智”时才去参与。You may be getting ripped off royally by your plan administrator, in which case you should only participate if you get a match, and then only up to the match.

文章在表达上也很具有趣味儿性,从与父亲的斗智过程中,每一种招式的运用都能看得出小作者做了精心的准备。Based on the expression is also has CuWeiEr sex, from with father's onlooker process, each kind of moves use could see that young writer made careful preparations.

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安帅有机会和穆帅斗智,当蓝军在下月16日欧冠面对国米的时候,他承认这将是非常困难的考验。Ancelotti will have a chance to pit his wits against Mourinho when Chelsea face Inter in the last 16 of the UEFA Champions League, although he admits it will be a difficult test.

弗拉基米尔•普京一手提拔的德米特里•梅德韦杰夫有望当选俄国新任总统。经过紧锣密鼓的竞选和数月的政治斗智之后,投票结果即将揭晓。Victory appears near for the new president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, hand-picked by Vladimir Putin. The vote comes after a tightly controlled campaign and months of political maneuvering.