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熊熊的火焰舔舐着墙脚。Flames are licking at their walls.

鼹鼠在墙脚下面钻了一个洞。A mole tunneled a hole under the wall.

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墙脚处有一花坛。There was a flower border beneath the wall.

墙脚根应该漆成褐色。The foot of the wall should be stained brown.

战士们站在城堡的墙脚下。The soldiers were standing under the castle wall.

蟋蟀在墙脚下哀鸣。The crickets chirred plaintively at the foot of the wall.

像两个吸血鬼躲在阳光仍未照到的墙脚。Like two vampires huddling in the last corner of shelter from daylight.

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当站在一面10米高的攀岩墙脚下时,每小我脸上都闪现了仓皇的神。Everyone was a bit nervous when standing at the foot of a 10 meter high wall.

老通宝偷眼看一下那个躺在墙脚边的大蒜头,他心里就一跳。Old Tong Bao stole a glance at his garlic at the foot of the wall. His heart dropped.

据相信,有超过100多的人在企图翻越柏林墙时被打死在墙脚下。More than 100 people are believed to have been killed at the Wall while trying to escape.

墙脚镶着一条画着小天使的台夫特瓷砖,保护白粉墙不被我们的拖把弄脏。A row of Delft tiles painted with cupids lined the bottom of the walls to protect the whitewash from our mops.

然后是狗的十二年,那时他失去了利齿,咬不动东西,只能躺在墙脚忿忿不平地低吼。Then come the dog's twelve years, and he lies in the corner growling, no longer having teeth with which to bite.

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房屋装修时,在墙脚是这个高度下,涂些深色或贴上瓷砖、木板等。When the building is decorated, in foundation it is this height below, tu Xie brunet or affix ceramic tile, board to wait.

奥斯塔普从此弹起了里拉琴,他肯定已经死在了路上的某个墙脚下,或市场上的某辆牛车下。Ostap took to playing the lyre, and he must have died somewhere on the road under a fence, or under a cart in a market place.

左右两边墙脚各有一条白色的路,好像给中间满是水泥的石板路镶了两道宽边。Layers of white were building up at the foot of the walls on both sides of the streets, providing broad borders for their dark muddy centres.

尽管个人电脑、电视机和音响的设计风格正日趋精致,但是房间墙脚那堆电线盘起来的蛇窝,对真正的简约风格可是极大的妨碍。PCs, TVs and music players are becoming slicker every year, but the nest of vipers in the corner of every room remains an ugly impediment to true minimalism.

同月,一家靠挖中国公司墙脚的公司,浑水研究被华尔街注意到,发布了一份针对绿诺科技的严苛性报告。That month, Muddy Waters Research, a firm that has grabbed Wall Street attention by digging up dirt on Chinese companies, released a scathing report on Rino.

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那堵墙上的石灰原已年久发黑,而刻出的字迹是雪白的。墙脚边的一丛荨麻叶子上,还铺着一层新近落上去的细白粉。This was perfectly fresh, the grooves in the ancient black mortar were white, a tuft of nettles at the foot of the wall was powdered with the fine, fresh plaster.

其中有两座大碉堡就建在湖边,一面的墙脚被冲刷着,另外的几面和拐角处,则围着一条很深的壕沟和一片开阔的沼泽地。Two of the sweeping bastions appeared to rest on the water which washed their base , while a deep ditch and extensive morasses guarded its other sides and angles.

房子实在陈旧,地板从墙脚向房间中部往下倾斜,倾斜的角度很大,我只好用几块小木片垫在小餐桌的桌腿下。The house was so old that the floors sank from the walls to the middle at an angle so pronounced I had to put little wooden blocks under the inside legs of our small dining table.