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你看那块北宋的石碑。Look at this stele from the Northern Song Dynasty.

王安石是北宋著名的改革家。Wang Anshi is a famous reformer in the Song Dynasty.

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这是北宋官窑瓷器的典型特征。Guan ware is one of the 'five great wares' of the Song.

北宋的开封是一个典型的濒水城市。Kaifeng of north Song was a typical adjacent water city.

北宋官窑客观存在,地点在汴京。The Northern Song official kiln was located in Bianliang.

然而,当艮岳筑成之时,北宋王朝也走向了灭亡。When Gen Yue was completed, North Song dynasty also died out.

其中北宋杂剧的演变最具有典型意义。Among them, the evolving of North-song Zaju is a typical case.

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沈括是北宋一位出色的爱国者。Shen Kuo was an outstanding patriot in the North Song dynasty.

富弼是北宋著名的政治家、军事家、外交家。Abraham Lincoln is not only a statesman, but also a strategist.

后来到了北宋时期才改名为乌尤寺的。Later in the Northern Song Dynasty, it was renamed Wuyou Temple.

北宋时指南针已应用于航海。The compass was employed in navigation in the Northern Song Dynasty.

范仲淹是北宋时期的政治家、文学家。Fan Zhongyan was a politician and writer in the Northen Song Dynasty.

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北宋外城平面呈菱形,应是当时“人盘”定位的结果。The Outer city wall is rhomboid, with the result of "Renpan" location.

“右文说”是北宋王圣美提出的一种以声音通训诂的理论。"Right-wen said" yes Song Sheng-Mei made a sound-pass Exegesis theory.

北宋至金,县名俱称离石,属石州。The Northern Song to Jin, who are said Lishi County is the state stone.

北宋三次兴学与书院的关系密切……等十余项,以供学者一笑。Academy Teaching Has Three Activity Ways, ect, for scholars to have a laugh.

名始于唐初,北宋以后声誉更著。Early Tang began in 000, after the Northern Song Dynasty reputation with more.

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富弼是北宋著名的政治家、军事家、外交家。FU Bi is a famous statesman, strategist and diplomatist of North Song Dynasty.

北宋山水与巴比松画派时间相隔七百多年,发生地域距离遥远。Northern Song landscapes were about 700 years before those of Barbieri School.

本部分集中考察了从北宋以前到北宋时代的理气论的发展。The first part examine Zhu xi's theories of Li Qi and their historical origin.