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你好,今天是五一节。Hello, today is May Day.

亦称“五一节”,定在每年的五月一日。Labor's Day is on May 1st.

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离五一节只有三天了。May day is only three days off.

今天是五一节,我怕天会下雨。It's May Day,but I'm afraid it'll rain.

五一节是国际劳动节。May Day is the International Labor Day.

你们今年是怎样庆祝五一节的?How did you celebrate May Day this year?

1971年的五一节是毛最后一次在公众中出现。Mao last appeared in public on May Day 1971.

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五一节的晚上将有一个晚会。There'll be a party on the evening of May Day.

在五一节的早上我们起得很早。On the morning of May Day, we get up very early.

五一节快到了,我打算痛愉快快地玩个开心。May Day is coming. I am going to paint the town red.

五一节那天,我和我的同学一起去登长城。On May Day my classmates and I went to the Great Wall.

没有,但是我打算这个五一节去新加坡。No, not yet. But I plan to go to Singapore this May Day.

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到下一个五一节,我们在一起的时间就很长了。By next May Day we shall have been together for a long time.

到下一个五一节,咱们在一起的具体时间就很长了。By beside May Day we shwhichle HAs be togetIT to a long time.

他们参加了一个五一节的庆祝会,结果庆祝会变成一场暴动。They attended a May Day celebration which turned into a riot.

我改主见了,五一节我往四川,不去海南。I changed my mind. I'll go to Sichuan on May 1st instead of Hainan.

预计下一周临近五一节毛纱市场交易将缩量趋势。Next week is expected near the 51 section necking in the wool yarn market trends.

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我们乘俄罗斯制造的伊尔18从广州飞到北京时,正好是五一节期间。From Canton we flew to Peking in a Russian-made Ilyushin 18, just in time for May Day.

我有一个长假期的五一节。我很高兴,因为我可以做任何我想要的。I had a long holiday for May Day . I was very happy, because I could do anything I want.

不过,无论你做什么,千万别喊“五一节“!因为那是绝望的呼救。Whatever you do, though, don't shout "May Day! " because that is a desperate cry for help.