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只有哑巴才妒忌多嘴的人。Only the dumb envy the talkative.

那个多嘴婆!完了,全西雅图都知道了。The dispatcher? All of Seattle knows!

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我也不知道的,只是多嘴。I also do not know, it is garrulous only.

没人问他的意见,因此他没多嘴。Nobody asked his opinion, so he butted out.

不劳你多嘴,我们早就知道狗是长什么样子的。We already know what a dog really looks like.

母亲对我们多嘴,你可以理解他们吗?To us by mother tongue, you can understand them?

因为她多嘴,所以受到同伴们的抱怨。She was complained by companions for her big mouth.

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多嘴一句,你能想象对整项计划的保密工作宣誓的情景么?Plus can you imagine being sworn to secrecy about the whole subject?

“卡普瑞,我跟你说过不要多嘴,”说完,塞缪尔继续看着爱狄。“Capri, I told you to keep your mouth shut,” Samuel says and looks at Adie.

不要怪我多嘴,法国人喜欢把男女之间的关系吃透!I just have an obsession with relationships. You know all the French 'have it.

我知道前几天他把一个多嘴的家伙用钉钉在了公寓的地板上。这和毒品有关吗?I know he nailed a tout to the floor of a flat the other day. Was it drug-related?

不要对鲍勃说,除非你想让齐办公室的人都知道。他可是个多嘴的人。Don't say anything to Bob unless you want the whole office to know. Bob's quite a blabber mouth.

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我想要知道为什么她可以支撑到现在。当然,她很可能已经把她的想法坦白给了那些多嘴的人。I wonder how she's holding up now. Of course, she must have confessed her feelings to that loudmouth.

有一只多嘴的乌龟无意中听两个猎人说他们计划第二天去捉乌龟。A talkative turtle overheard two hunters say that they were planning to catch turtles the very next day.

病人,任何病人,都有权要求医生尊重他的隐情,有权不吃一个多嘴饶舌的医生的亏。A patient, any patient, is entitled to have confidence respected, to be protected against a gabby doctor.

甚至有的还懵懵懂懂地,不知祸事正是起源于自己的多嘴饶舌呢!Even then, they may still be muddled and not realize that the calamity came from their own tongue- wagging !

例如,如果一个孩子对他的父母说了不该说的东西,他可能会被视为多嘴的孩子。For example, if a child says things she should not say to her parents, she might be described as a mouthy child.

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比如说,如果小孩对父母说了不应该说的话,她也许就会被说成是“多嘴的小孩”。For example, if a child says things she should not say to her parents, she might be described as a mouthy child.

“多嘴的喜鹊又要拨弄是非,”你这样风里雨里,来来往往地飞多辛苦啊!The long-tongued Magpie wanted to stir up again. "How hard you fly back and forth to carry wood in the wind and rain!"

他热爱恳谈,他的友爱倾向,他对富人的冷淡,还有他的多嘴饶舌,使他成为性格鲜明的风趣人物。His love of conversation, his affection, his indifference to riches, even his garrulity, are interesting traits of character.