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它可以在低频传输使用。It can be used in LF transmissions.

它缺乏重中低频,和中低频。It lacks in the mid bass and lower mids.

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提供一个115赫兹时每八度6分贝的低频上移滤波器。Provides a 6dB-per-octave rolloff filter at 115Hz.

麦景图MR78,低频好,有轻微的电子声。McIntosh MR78- Good bass, slightly electronic sound.

紧缩场低频应用的兴趣日益增加。Interests in low-frequency compact range increase nowadays.

对直流和低频输入电压的峰值上限为600伏。Input voltage peak limited to 600V for DC and low frequency.

这些独有词汇都属于低频词、开放词类。Moreover, these words are low-frequency and open-class words.

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对低频子带采用CALIC模型进行编码。Coefficients of the lowest subband are coded with CALIC model.

本课题紧扣行业热点,提出并研究设计了一种低频生物电疗仪。This subject is one of the hot points in the biomedical field.

步进电机在低速时易出现低频振动现象。Step motor speed is seen in low frequency vibration phenomenon.

这需要的是一种利用低频无线电波的系统。What is needed is a system that uses low-frequency radio waves.

RNS阳性患者在低频刺激时即可获得阳性结果。All the positive RNS can be obtained in low frequency stimulation.

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对于低频部分采取加权平均的融合规则。Then, for low frequency sub-image, average coefficient is adopted.

介绍研制的一种新型的低频振动攻丝机。A new type of low frequency vibration-tapping machine is introduced.

内置环形辐射器,超强声压动态低频增益,听。Built-in loop radiators, super dynamic low-frequency sound pressure.

采用低频方波方式可有效抑制稳态的声谐振。Low frequency square-wave mode was used to avoid acoustic resonance.

本文报道了船用超低频磁场的卫生学调查。This paper reports a hygienical survey of the ship ULF magnetic field.

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防低频噪声“关门、关窗”往往起不到作用。Anti-low-frequency noise "close, closing a window" are often ineffective.

低频滤波、隔直流及旁路和藕合等。E. g. Low Frequency Filter, Blocking of DC , By-pass and coupling circuit.

固体和强烈的低频是一系列的阿霉素脂质体的基本特征。Solid and strong low frequency is the basic characteristic of LADM series.