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什麽样的精灵能够进驻在其中?What kind of pixy could enter there?

第三,UPP进驻可能带来新的问题。Third, UPP presence may bring new problems.

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但是现在摩根大通公司进驻他们的大楼了。but now JP Morgan are moving into their building.

作为进驻的工作室,梦工厂付了高额租金。For starters, DreamWorks pays Universal hefty rent.

今年,该公司进驻巴尔干半岛各国和蒙古国。This year the firm entered the Balkans and Mongolia.

再说,沃尔特迪斯尼公司已经要进驻上海。Walt Disney Co., by the way, is nowmoving into Shanghai.

唐昊呼吁不要让商业议题进驻G8会谈。Tang Hao on the need to keep business out of G8 negotiations.

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之后尼希米重新安排人口进驻到城市里。Nehemiah then reorganized the people and repopulated the city.

目前已有3772家企业进驻园区。So far, 3772 establishments have found home in these quarters.

其实,真正的炒家是第二批进驻的散客。Actually, the real is the second in the individual speculators.

奥巴马进驻白宫的第一场国宴宴请了印度首脑。The first state dinner in the Obama White House, hosting India.

索尔福德码头已经有150多个与媒体相关的公司进驻。Salford Quays already has more than 150 media-related businesses.

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在八路军进驻的地区,地主也不难制服。In areas occupied by the army, the landlords also go under easily.

台北市立图书馆正式进驻松山机场!The Taipei Public Library has officially entered Songshan Airport!

土星的进驻往往是缺乏幽默感且冷酷的。A "Saturnine" disposition is typically humorless and somewhat grim.

所以如果你们是一家有着抱负的公司,你们就该进驻孟加拉国。So if you are a company with ambition, you have to be in Bangladesh.

公司进驻中张江高科技园区时,是否收到任何奖励?Do the companies receive any incentives for being located in the park?

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和MARV类似,救赎者也可以进驻步兵。Now, just like the MARV, the Redeemer can be garrisoned with infantry.

从那里开始,你以后就可以自信地进驻职业世界。From there you can then move into the professional world with confidence.

当奥巴马进驻白宫的时候,它把这篇叙述体也带上了。When Obama moved into the White House, he brought the narrative with him.