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灵位,薪水也更高。In addition, the pay is more decent.

寝室内供有李鸿章灵位。In the bedroom there is a memorial tablet of him.

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设一个灵位祭拜一下刚刚丢失的100元人民币。Set a spirit tablet to mourn a just losted rmb100 bank note.

至今依然供奉着许多二战时的战争罪犯灵位。It still honors many infamous war criminals of World War Two.

在那供奉有十九位朝鲜王朝君主和30位王妃的灵位,分别安置在十九个神龛里。There are 19 memorial tablets of kings and 30 of their queens, placed in 19 chambers.

宗庙用于供奉朝鲜王朝王室祖先灵位的祠堂,它深受儒家传统的影响。The shrine is dedicated to the spirits of the ancestors of the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty.

梅艳芳的歌迷连日来不分昼夜在殡仪馆外聚集,昨日已逾百人,分别来自新加坡、内地或其他地区,有歌迷自制灵位。Anita Mui's fans from Singapore, and many other countries could be seen yesterday outside the Funeral Home to pay homage to Ah Mui.

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不过,庙见是对宗庙的先人灵位行礼,而拜堂则主要是对现世的长辈行礼叩拜。However, the temple is the temple to salute the bride, and their additional are mainly to salute the elders of the earthly worship.

王燕生小小的灵位前摆放着他的诗歌集,那是他的后人为他急就的,是几本样书。In front of his little tablet there were his collections of poetry that was his descendants' hasty arrangement, several copies of sample book.

又设了灵位,祭奠怀王。他念着招魂的长诗,怀念着当年兴旺的楚国。He set up a memorial tablet for King Huai, and sang a long poem to elegize his death and express his own fond memories of Ch'u's prosperous days.

在他家的楼下,大部分物件都已被损毁。他只有慢慢修复。首先要从祖先的灵位着手。然后,还要做很多须要花钱的部分。Much of the ground floor was gutted. Takahashi is slowly rebuilding, starting with the family shrine. There is much more expensive work to be done.

中国人在用餐前,在祖先灵位前点上一炷香,烧几张纸钱,供上热腾腾的饭食,然后自己用餐。As soon as the Chinese before dining, lights before the ancestor spirit tablet burns a joss stick, burns several paper moneys , for the steaming hot food, then dines.

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大大都人在家中将先人灵位摆在房内,供上食品供品,之后由长至幼依序上喷鼻膜拜。most people place the name boards of ancestors at home. after placing food and other sacrifices, they will kneel down to worship ancestors according to their position in the family hierarchy.

为了平息二战时期遭受过日本侵略的亚洲邻国的怨恨,日本民主党表示将不再参拜供奉日本战犯灵位的靖国神社。To address the bitterness lingering among Asian neighbors invaded by Japan in World War II, the party says it is willing to discontinue political leaders' visits to a shrine honoring Japan's war dead.