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她赎罪。She atoned her sins.

但是这和赎罪有什么关系?But why the redemption?

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她要赎罪。She will expiate herself.

我的爱正在向你赎罪。My love is atoning to you.

他以生命赎罪。He atoned his sin with life.

他希望为他的过失赎罪。He hoped to expiate his guilt.

他以生命赎罪。He atoned for his sin with life.

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并献一只公山羊为你们赎罪。And one he-goat to take away your sin.

我不想赎罪,只想生活。I do not wish to expiate, but to live.

全燔祭和赎罪祭,已非你所喜。Holocausts for sin did not please thee.

卖赎罪券人的故事是一个非常好的故事。The Pardoner's story is a very good story.

他完全赎罪,重新与上帝站在了一边。He's fully atoned, "at one" again with God.

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您钉死在十字架上为我赎罪,我万分感激。Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins.

孩子,记住,耶稣圆香为我们赎罪而`死`。Remember kids, Jesus Madoka died for our sins.

亚伦一年一次要在坛的角上行赎罪之礼。Once a year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns.

我们怎知道基督现今正在进行赎罪的工作?How do we know that Christ is now in His atoning work?

它通常会被错误地翻译为“赎罪祭“It's often erroneously translated as a "sin offering."

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亡羊补牢的赎罪也是值得称赞的,虽然有时它来得晚了些,采取的措施也小了点。Redemption sometimes comes late and in small measures.

耶稣为世人赎罪作出的牺牲,洗去了他们的罪过。Their sins are washed away by Christ's atoning sacrifice.

教皇因卖赎罪券给人而赚了很多钱。The pope made a lot of money selling indulgences to people.