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我预留的伏笔,一败涂地。I reserved foreshadowing, suffer a big.

那就是合同下的伏笔。That's what's written underneath it on the contract.

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我将非常乐于用几个主题为该讨论埋下伏笔。I will be happy to seed the discussion with a few topics.

这就给第三幕埋下了伏笔。This will lay the practical groundwork for the third act.

耶稣,所以麦基洗德只是一个伏笔,他是耶稣的迹象。Well Jesus! So Melchizedek is simply a foreshadowing, he's a sign of Jesus.

而那将给这样一个多民族国家的进一步解体埋下伏笔。In such a multi-ethnic country that would be a recipe for further disintegration.

一路上都是伏笔,回身的那刻全世界都失陷了。Along the way are always is, around that moment of the fall of all over the world.

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袁绍、曹操后来走向公开分裂,此次兖州之战也埋下伏笔。The battle of Yanzhou foreshadowed the open cleavage of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao later.

其中预言、梦境、灾异、卜筮等都是伏笔艺术的重要表现形式。It's one of the important forms of foreshadowing for prediction, dreamland, natural calamities, augury, etc.

不过,NASA最近通过的一项预算为2011年一次新增穿梭机飞行计划埋下了伏笔。However, NASA's recently approved 2011 budget has left the door open to an additional shuttle flight in June.

作者在文章中一直写到“我家的院子是很荒凉的”,这就为里面人物的悲剧埋下了伏笔。In this article the writer has written "my yard is very desolate", which is inside the tragedy the foreshadowing.

而这无疑为以后全球能源需求上升而导致的石油供应短缺和油价上涨打下伏笔。That in turn could set the stage for possible shortages of oil and higher prices when global demand picks up again.

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他的军队被控在也门使用了毒气,为此后萨达姆侯赛因的行为埋下了让人沮丧的伏笔。His army was accused of using poison gas in that conflict, a grim foreshadowing of Saddam Hussein’s domestic tactics.

然而,这类作为伏笔的情节并没有颠覆英国贵族社会的结构,甚至还给予确认。But this buried plot does not challenge the aristocratic social structure of England. On the contrary, it confirms it.

破坏的设计在一开始吓到了所有的设计者,因为通常情况下的那些伏笔设计全部被它丢在一旁。Destruction initially scares the hell out of designers, because it removes so many options from the usual bag of tricks.

南京国民党政权推行的一党独大的政治霸权秩序和御用文化的价值信仰体系,为国民党政权的危机埋下了伏笔。Nanjing KMT implemented the political hegemony and imperial value system, which is sure to bring about the political crisis of KMT.

谢尔曼格鲁吉亚的全面战争,和圣彼得堡附近的战壕战的做法在欧洲的世界战埋下了伏笔。The practices of total war, developed by Sherman in Georgia, and of trench warfare around Petersburg foreshadowed World War I in Europe.

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道教理论、组织日臻完善,民众宗教情绪潜滋暗长,为大规模宗教运动的爆发埋下了伏笔。The spread of the Taoism and the religious sentiment developed imperceptibly also lead to an outbreak of large-scale religious campaign.

但是,包括法国历史学家杰拉德•普吕尼耶在内的几位学者都确信土地资源的不足为大屠杀埋下了伏笔。But several scholars, including French historian Gérard Prunier, are convinced that a scarcity of land set the stage for the mass killing.

而中资机构屡次犯规无疑将为今后更大灾害埋下伏笔。But the China capital organization will repeatedly violate a regulation will lay down without doubt for a next huger disaster the foreshadowing.