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田径,射击,铁饼,链球。Athletics, shot, discus, hammer.

这些穿着蓝色田径服的人到底是谁?Who are the men in blue tracksuits?

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其他的田径项目怎么样?What about the other athletics events?

我更喜欢奥运会的田径项目。I prefer the athletics at the Olympics.

乔和我打算参加田径比赛。Joe and I are going to run in the race.

皆奏一枫曲,田径小路归何处?Are playing a song, the track path to where?

B我也是,但是我更喜欢田径项目。BMe too, but I think I prefer the athletics.

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国际业余田联世界室内田径锦标赛。IAAF World Indoor Track and Field Championships.

他是五环中的黄环,代表田径项目。It represents the green ring and gymnastic sports.

她将在田径比赛中担任计时员。She is going to be a timekeeper at the track meet.

非洲选手擅长田径项目。African athletes are good at track and field events.

爆发力是多数田径项目取得优异成绩的素质基础。Power is the basis of achievement of track and field.

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做田径服需要用弹性强的料子。For tracksuits you need material with plenty of stretch.

田径服需要用弹性强的料子。For tracksuits you need material with plenty of stretch.

接力跑是在田径场上唯一的团队比赛。The relays are the only true team events in track and field.

记录一个接着一个地被打破,尤其是在田径项目上。Record fell one after another, especially in track and field.

至此为止,这是中国在田径赛场上的第一块奖牌。Still, the bronze was China's first medal in track and field.

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在田径队里时,我是跑四分之一英里的。When I was on the track team, I used to run the quarter mile.

从方方面面看,威尔玛·鲁道夫都是田径场上的大师。By all accounts, Wilma Rudolph was a master at track and field.

他在田径赛场上跑着,眼睛里闪着骄傲与自信。His eyes filled with pride and confidence, he ran in the filed.