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你必须强迫你自己做出选择,以治愈你的事无巨细综合症。The cure is to force yourself to make a choice.

他们说对于骆家辉的报道不要事无巨细。They said not to cover everything about Gary Locke.

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他们正经受“事无巨细”综合症的困扰。They are suffering from "everything is important" syndrome.

事无巨细,任何大事都是由一系列的小事组成的。The great arises out of small things that are honored and cared for.

卡特那事无巨细都要过问的微观管理方式导致了罗纳尔多·里根的冷静超然的倾向的产生。Carter's micromanagement encouraged Ronald Reagan's propensity for detachment.

他是个“妻管严”,家里事无巨细全由老婆说了算。He is a hen-pecked husband and his wife wears the trousers on all the matters.

这里提到的都是最常见的因素,本文不可能事无巨细地将所有因素列出。The ones mentioned here are the most common ones and by no means form an exhaustive list.

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如果你领导着他人,要抵抗住想事无巨细的努力控制的欲望。If you lead others, resist the urge to micro-manage in a misplaced effort to regain control.

他们希望哲学为人类的困境,提供一幅事无巨细的完整画面。They expect it to provide them with a complete and detailed picture of the human predicament.

这本小册子将事无巨细地向您介绍此行业,并有望增加大家对此行业的关注度和减少人们对此行业的无知。Without being exhaustive, this booklet will hopefully increase awareness and reduce ignorance.

我正在看史塔西特工的首份报告。这些东德人真是事无巨细。I've been looking at the Stasi agent's first report. These east Germans are nothing if not thorough.

你必须强迫你自己做出选择,以治愈你的事无巨细综合症。整理一些文件。捐出几件旧衣服。删除一些邮件。The cure is to force yourself to make a choice. File some papers. Donate some old clothes. Delete some emails.

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放手,就不要置身事中,事无巨细,而是要让别人各种其豆,自收其果。To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to effect their own outcomes.

与事无巨细地试图管理他人生活相比,让他们得到自由却可以获得更多的秩序。You can count on more order to emerge from trusting freedom than you get from attempting to micromanage other people's lives.

科诚人坚持同世界商贸接轨,事无巨细,必以严格认真态度态待。Prudential Branch maintains the world's commerce with the world, has become obsessed with micromanaging, it states to be scrupulous attitude.

在最近的几个月里,该中心还一再不厌其烦事无巨细地反驳俄罗斯有关车臣恐怖分子和基地组织间联系的说法。The centre has also been assiduous over recent months in arguing against Moscow's claims that there is a link between the Chechens and al-Qaida.

无论你是拖延还是事无巨细的计划你的生活,时间都在不停流逝。In any case, time passes, regardless of whether you choose to procrastinate or if you plan your life into the smallest of details. — Maria Bergström

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更为重要的是,家庭成员之间应该注意批评的方式,对于成年子女不要主动强加事无巨细的劝告。Most importantly, people in the same family should always temper their criticism. Parents should not offer too much unsolicited advice to adult children.

另一个影响和限制新教时期作品的因素是相信事无巨细都是上帝或魔鬼的旨意。Another factor that affected and circumscribed Puritan writing was the conviction that all events, however small, are contrived by God, or else the Devil.

在经过了很多这样事无巨细一丝不苟的程序化工作后,人们在这个重要而又是劳动密集的过程中的工作投入需要得到真正的回报,而这也需要技巧。After all the procedural T's are crossed and the I's dotted, it takes people skills to get a real return on investment from this important, labor-intensive process.