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我猜有点乐天派?Kind of an optimistic, I suppose?

作一个数据完整性的乐天派Being an optimist about data integrity

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我喜欢和那些乐天派们在一起聊天。I enjoy talking with those good-time Charlie.

这就是这位旷古奇才乐天派的奥秘的一面。That was part of the secret of the gay genius.

他对于中美关系总体上是一个乐天派。He’s an optimist about U.S.-China relations in general.

他是个乐天派,对此事不会感到十分失望。He's good-time Charlie, who won't feel quit disappointed at this.

我的朋友们说我是天塌下来都不怕的乐天派,我也这么觉得。My friends said I was not afraid of monsters optimist, I think so.

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由于他们具有很强的自信心,因此狮子座的人是乐天派。Leos are optimistic because of their strong confidence in themselves.

要成为一位发明家或企业家,你必须得是个乐天派。“You have to be an optimist to be an inventor or entrepreneur, ” he concludes.

当然,要写好并不容易,因为“大多数企业家都是狂热的乐天派”。It is not easy to compose, however, because "most entrepreneurs are wild-eyed optimists".

不可避免地,分析型人士最终都会被一些人视为是末日博士,然后被另一些人看成是乐天派。The analytical will inevitably be known as Dr. Doom to some and the eternal optimist to others.

做一个乐天派,你会感到一种由衷的快乐。Being a Good-time Charlie, you feel content and pleasant, even when you are suffering terrible things.

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有可能,你生下来就是个乐天派,所以你通常把风险考虑得很少、或者忽略了危险的讯号。Maybe you\\\'re a born optimist, so you tend to discount the risks or signs of bad news on the horizon.

永远的乐天派,比尔.盖茨在中国的新一代亿万富豪中看出了观念上可能的转变。Ever the optimist, Bill Gates sees a possible change of attitude among China's new crop of billionaires.

身为一个乐天派者,他不但没有烦恼,而且总是笑脸迎人!Being a happy-go-lucky person, he not only has no worries, but also has a smile on his face all the time.

布什总统是位乐天派,尤其是对他自己的计划极为乐观,而且,他喜欢别人也同样乐观。President Bush is an optimist, especially about his own projects, and he likes other people to be optimistic too.

那位也是音乐家,是森尼的朋友,他黑得像炭一样,长得矮墩墩的,看上去是个乐天派。This was another musician, and a friend of Sonny's, a coal-black, cheerful-looking man, built close to the ground.

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我是乐天派的人,因为我认为人类并非总是违反常情地力图使自己的生活变差。I am an optimist in that I believe that human beings do not always perversely try to make life worse for themselves.

你不需要做个没心没肺的乐天派,但尝试每周做件让人快乐的事,每次选取不同的同事作为对象。You don't have to be a Pollyanna, but try to perform one kindly act a week, choosing a different co-worker each time.

他外表干洁净净,是个乐天派,所以即使是他偶然的淘气捣蛋,也依然讨人喜欢。Very neat in appearance, he had that happy-to-be-alive attitude that made even his occasional mischievousness delightful.