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你是我认识的人中最高深莫测的人。You’re the most enigmatic person I know.

但女性的自觉更多的是她的生理本能,而非高深莫测。But women's intuition is likely more biological than mystical.

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两人的命运必须互相凭倚,才得平衡,这种妙用,天意使然,高深莫测!Oh, unfathomable and divine mystery of the balances of destiny!

她看上去就象一尊非常安详精致、但又高深莫测的狮身人面像。She was the picture of a serene and exquisite but impenetrable sphinx.

阿什总是高深莫测,有着善于技术破解和实际操作的头脑。Often enigmatic, he's the technical and practical brains of the operation.

从大小与距离方面看,它变得越来越遥远,不可见,复杂而又高深莫测。With distance and size it becomes remote, invisible, complex, unfathomable.

一旦当他们无需花费时间为没完没了的会议准备高深莫测的幻灯片。As long as they’re not spending hours creating inscrutable slides for interminable meetings.

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你不知道自已的容貌是什么样子,是很难保持外表高深莫测的。It was not easy to preserve inscrutability when you did not know what your face looked like.

在问到谁将会是下一任总统时,他通常的回答是高深莫测的“只有上帝才知道”。When asked who will be the next president, his stock answer is an enigmatic “Only God knows.

对外人来说,日本经济似乎高深莫测的,另类有趣又令人惊讶。To outsiders the Japanese economy seems inscrutable in ways alternately amusing and shocking.

与天地合一,与万物随变,五行变换,高深莫测一而无论。With the heaven, and things with the change, the five elements change, regardless of one enigmatic.

离退休人员对国有公司一般都格外警觉,因为他们认为这些公司高深莫测。The pensioner is particularly wary of state-run companies, because she believes they are unpredictable.

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经过十多年的审时度势,他的性格依然是那么让人捉摸不透,韬光养晦高深莫测。After more than a decade of scrutiny, his nature remains enigmatic and his depths not quite fully fathomed.

加拉·普拉奇迪亚之墓蓝色的天棚很黑很深,几乎高深莫测。The blue of the ceiling of the mausoleum of Galla Placidia is unusually dark and deep—almost inscrutably so.

网络不再是那样地高深莫测,被一些网络行业的人暗箱操作,搞一些小手脚。The network can no longer be untouchable, managed by a few with training in the black arts of networking management.

远古时代的雕刻大师们高深莫测,我们不能揣测他们的所思所想,只能描述外表所见。The carvers of old were mysterious and profound. We cannot fathom their thoughts, so all we do is describe their appearance.

船长泰然自若的态度令人高深莫测,而他本人又是那么一位神秘的人物,因此信差珀奇被吓唬住了。The Captain's equanimity was so impenetrable, and he was altogether so mysterious a being, that Perch the messenger was daunted.

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远古时笩菂编程大师们高深莫测,我们不能揣测他们菂葰思葰想,只能描述外表葰见。The programmers of old were mysterious and profound. We cannot fathom their thoughts, so all we do is describe their appearance.

你没有必要刻意去变坏,不过你可以在行为前思量一下,少一点实用主义,多一点高深莫测的感觉。You don't need to go round being bad, but you can be a bit more deliberate in your actions, a little less available and a little more enigmatic.

你没有必要刻意去变坏,不过你可以在行为前思量一下,少一点实用主义,多一点高深莫测的感觉。You don't need to go around being bad, but you can be a bit more deliberate in your actions, a little less available and a little more enigmatic.