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居室越来越华丽,家庭却残缺破碎。We have fancier houses, but broken homes.

沿残缺的水泥台阶而上,到游廊的后门。Up broken cement steps to the back porch door.

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他是橙色的,身体的一边有一只鳍有些残缺。He's orange and has got a gimpy fin on one side.

美丽并不存在于有序,而存在于无序,美丽并不存在于完美,而存在于残缺,美丽并不存在于一致,而存在于不同。It is not found in the perfect but the imperfect

他扪心自问,他看着周围的村庄,每个家庭都是残缺不堪的。He asked himself. He looked around in the village.

我求佛让我残缺的孩子健全。I asked Buddha to make my handicapped child whole.

你残缺的家庭会如何庆祝今年的假日呢?How will your imperfect family celebrate this year?

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那女人用长长的,残缺不齐的指甲抓他。The woman scratched him with her long, Broken mils.

莪用个个词组来修饰那些隐藏悳残缺。I use a word to come to polish defectiveness concealing.

只是,时间流转,灯影残缺,今夕见时,已有斑驳。Just, time passed, the rundown, going to see, have deep.

每个生命个体生来就残缺不完美。Each individual was born to be incompleted and imperfect.

青春年少时的梦,即使再残缺,对自己而言也都是完美的。Youth, even the youth dreams for me again, also is perfect.

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如果我有一张残缺变形的脸,你们不会取笑我的脸。If I had a deformed face, you would not make fun of my face.

他可能残缺不堪,但是席恩依旧带着一把匕首。He might well be a broken thing, but Theon still wore a dagger.

一个人,孤单地捧着残缺的心,游走在迷惘的边缘。A lonely man, holding the incomplete heart, wander in lost edge.

他不愿想象鱼腹下面残缺的样子。He did not want to think of the mutilated under-side of the fish.

想说的话你泼墨了墙角残缺的欲言。You have splashed ink the corner of a wall incomplete desire word.

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碑文已有残缺,但剩余部分并未有对末日的暗示。The text is damaged, but what remains does not imply the end of time.

家人全部平安,对我来讲是件惭愧的事,我羞于说这个,别人的家庭都残缺了。It is a shame to say that they are all safe. I am embarrassed to say it.

无色弱,无色盲。无严重的身体疾病及残缺。No color feebleness, no color blindness. No seriously illness and deformity.