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他将为这个剧本配乐。He will musicalize the play.

配乐英语诗朗诵。Reading English poems with soft music.

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将配乐和电影情节进行同步合成。Synchronise the score with the film action.

灯光和配乐都洽到好处。It's lighting and background music are well used.

山光水声,犹如一幅配乐的风景画。Shan Kwong water, the landscape is like a soundtrack.

这部电影的配乐是由带脚键盘的管风琴和班卓琴奏出的轻快乐曲。The movie has a chirpy soundtrack of pedal organ and banjo.

那些京剧演员哀伤的唱腔成了我们生活的配乐。The singers' plaintive squeals form the soundtrack of our lives.

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年这些电视配乐以恩雅的名字命名作为独唱专辑发行。The soundtrack was released in 1986 as her eponymous solo album.

学生小组活动,举牌邀请去某地,同时配乐。Choose one place and invite your classmates or the teachers to go.

现在还有一些谣言说他会为詹姆斯邦德的下一部电影配乐。There have also been rumors he may score the next James Bond film.

丹•达门就此采访了电影配乐专家巴里•法肖尔。Dan Damon put that question to film music specialist Barry Forshaw.

后期合成时通常还由艾伦监督混音和配乐。Allen usually takes the lead in the sound mix and music at this stage.

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恐怖的配乐和缓慢的运镜增添场面的紧张感。The scary music and slow camera work added to the tension of the scene.

添加一个自定义的配乐,配音和字幕的收尾工作。Add the finishing touches with a custom soundtrack, voiceovers and titles.

“我真的觉得,如果亚瑟·柯南道尔在世,会爱上这段配乐的。”吉翰说。"I honestly think Arthur Conan Doyle would have loved this, " says Geahan.

每一部都有作曲家拉罗·史弗林的著名主题配乐。Each was underscored by composer Lalo Schifrin's famously jagged theme song.

对登山爱好者来说,这是一场纯粹的视觉盛宴,片中的配乐也非常振奋人心。It’s pure eye candy for mountain-lovers. The music is pretty entrancing, too.

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加以猫腔小调的配乐,优雅又民俗地演奏虐杀的乐章。Minor cavity to be a cat soundtrack, elegant and played the folk music of murder.

度假村的网站上展示了上述地点的照片,并带有班卓琴的配乐。The resort's website shows images of all three, set to a lively banjo soundtrack.

配乐总谱还未出版,只有少数音乐家看到过。The score had not been published and would have been seen only by a few musicians.