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辗扩过程运动学分析。The kinematical analysis in rolling process.

目前,在运动学中,这些就足够了Right now, in kinematics, this is all you need.

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接着就是统计力学和分子运动学。It'll be statistical mechanics and then kinetics.

这就是逆运动学求解的过程。This is the process of untying the countrary sport.

在运动学中,我们不关心现象背后的原因In kinematics, you don't ask the reason behind anything.

运动学是对现在的完整描述So, kinematics is a complete description of the present.

如果你想描述这个质点,如何从运动学角度来描述呢If you want to describe this particle, what's the kinematics?

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建立了机器人小车的运动学数学模型。And the mathematical model of robot kinematics is established.

健康科学,运动学,休闲学与舞蹈学系。Department of Health Science, Kinesiology, Recreation, & Dance.

刺不到?!退不开?!击剑攻防间之运动学分析。Fight or Flight?! Movement Kinematics Analyses of Duel in Fencing.

我们谈论了半天有关运动学和生物力学的事情—真是饶有兴趣!We spent hours discussing kinesiology and biomechanics—it was fun!

第1章详细分析了机器人的运动学特性。In chapter 1 we analyzed the kinematical characteristic of mobile robot.

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运动学刚体不受力、重力或扭矩的影响。Kinematic Rigidbodies are not affected by forces, gravity or collisions.

建立了混合驱动可控压力机的运动学分析模型。The kinematical model of the hybrid-driven controllable press is set up.

分析了该机构的运动学原理和力平衡原理。The kinematical and force- balance principles of the device are analyzed.

介绍了在事例重建中使用的一种运动学拟合的新方法。A new approach of the kinematic fit in event reconstruction is introduced.

机械手工作空间的研究是机器人运动学的一个重要课题。Manipulator workspace is one of the fundamental problems of robot kinematics.

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姿态运动学和动力学用误差四元数描述。The attitude kinematics and dynamics are both described by error quaternions.

通过分析,首次得到了正向运动学方程以解析形式表达的逆解。Analytical form of the inversed solution to kinematics equation is then given.

他指出流体运动学可以解释红海的分离。He says the science of fluids in motion can explain the parting of the Red Sea.