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行业再有起色。The industry picked up again.

他在各方面都有起色。He has made progress in every aspect.

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他早年在律师界的工作毫无起色。His early years at the bar were very lean.

看不出你的写作有什么起色。I cannot see any improvement in your writing.

由于大家的共同努力,广告大有起色。Our endeavours have seen commendable results.

生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。The firm will go under unless business improves.

大宝的演员生涯有了一点起色。Dabao actor career there was a little improvement.

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在多次失败之后,这支球队现在又有了起色。After several defeats, the team is now doing well again.

我猜在2004年我17岁的时候,事情开始有了起色。I guess it all started picking up when I was 17 in 2004.

结果负债率飚升,而十年下来,日本经济却毫无起色。Debt soared but the country did not recover for a decade.

这几年来我丝毫没看到一点转好的起色。I haven't seen any improvement at all over the past few years.

桑弘羊大得武帝赏识,汉朝经济立见起色。These big emperor appreciated the Han economy made lackluster.

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王家凹不起色,问题就在一个穷字上。Home Wang is sunken not improvement, the problem is on a poor word.

至今人们在亚历山大石的开采上几乎毫无起色。To date, very little mining of Russian Alexandrite is taking place.

我们将援救伊拉克教练安全盘队和起色经济。We will help Iraq train its security forces and develop its economy.

幸亏用了针刺疗法,病人大有起色。Thanks to acupuncture therapy the patient is getting along very well.

那什么才可以让那个经济略有起色,让人们回去上班呢?What is going to get the economy humming and send people back to work?

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什么样的小妙计或许能使一些人的生活或者工作有点小起色呢?What little tweaks might make someone’s life or job a little bit easier?

去年一整年你的工作都毫无起色,我别无选择,你被解雇了。You have shown no improvement over last year. I have no choice but to fire you.

谷家,谷大夫天天都为母亲针灸,但却一点起色都没有。Valley home, valley doctor every day for mother acupuncture, but no improvement.