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鸟常常成双配对。Birds often pair for life.

鸳鸯终生配对。The mandarine ducks paired for life.

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配对完全是随意的。The matchups were completely random.

新的运动迷,新的配对,新的着色!New fandom, new pairing, new coloring!

请参与配对或分组活动进行。Take parts in pair work or group work.

跟他们以前常常配对的那些位。With what they used to pair with before.

互补配对的一致性是非常高的I told you that the fidelity is very high.

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可以附带影响选民配对结果如何呢?Can fringe voters affect the Pairwise result?

有些婚介所还根据血型提供配对服务。Some matchmaking services cater to blood type.

现在我们有4个未配对电子。So now what we have is four unpaired electrons.

我们很多人都不同意初始化配对。Many of us do not agree with the initial pairings.

请把这些彩图和下面的犬的种类配对。Match these pictures to the dog breeds underneath.

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其唯一的问题是事件配对。The only problem with it is the pairing of events.

请把这些彩图和下面的图书类型配对。Match these pictures to the book genres underneath.

每个系统采用配对的吸着剂的陷阱。Each system requires the use of paired sorbent traps.

这个双链互补配对的概念非常重要This notion of complementary strands is very important.

开场且赢这10场配对,但至少需6位玩家同场。Host and win 10 matches with at least 6 players present.

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考虑与流动同时移动的参考系下的BCS配对。Consider BCS pairing in the frame co-moving with the flow.

在交配季节,集团解散成配对。During mating season, however, groups dissolve into pairs.

在乒乓球双打比赛中简与爱丽丝配对。Jane paired off with Alice in a table tennis doubles match.