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懒散的踏向伯利恒的投生?Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

可以说,在你投生这个存在层面之前就已经签约。They were signed, so to speak, before you were born in this existence.

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实际上自从1995年以来没有黑暗的灵体投生到这个星球。There are no dark beings incarnating into this planet since 1995 in fact.

但是,他原先的第四位妻子出生名门在死后投生为一只生活在森林里的瘦鹤。However, Well-born had died and been reborn as a slender crane in the forest.

她的灵魂在投生至地球前,曾逗留在木星的维度。Her soul sojourned in the dimension of Jupiter prior to incarnating into the earth.

这就是有漏、俱福报、导致投生善道的正见。This is the right view that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions.

但在投生之前,她有一段使她增长了心灵能力的在水星的经历。But before incarnating she had an experience in Mercury which added to her mental ability.

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什么是有漏、俱福报、导致投生善道的正见?。And what is the right view that has effluents, sides with merit, & results in acquisitions?

询问灵魂你可以做什么来实现你的灵魂们投生到这一肉体中的使命。Ask soul what you can do to fulfill upon your souls mission for incarnating into this form.

龙是一个曾投生在大中枢太阳中、由人类投铸的大物种。Dragons were once a large species incarnate within the Great Central Sun and cast by humans.

那时,佛佗正投生在贝拿勒斯,是一位闻名于世的老师。At that time the Enlightenment Being was living the life of a world famous teacher in Benares.

她们说,自从脱离了那种生命形体后,她们便投生在奉献者的家庭里。After being freed from that form of life, they said, they had been born in a family of devotees.

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我们说在某些人的情况中,他们已经偏离了他们在投生之前所选择的道路。We say that in the context of someone who has strayed off the path they chose before incarnating.

即使是那些被称之为负面态的人也在学习着经验,都在你投生之前做过协定。Even those so-called negative ones are learning experiences that you agreed to before incarnating.

既然已经罕有地投生为人,我的至高需要是发展对神的莲花足的爱。Having attained this rare human birth, my supreme need is to develop love for the Lotus Feet of God.

如果缺乏强烈意愿做善事,结果就是只有慷慨和善意两善根的投生。However, if you lack zeal in doing good, the result will be a rebirth with only generosity and goodwill.

在任何给定的时间更大的灵魂总是投生在地球上,为了保持你们意识到你们的真实自我。At any given time greater souls have always incarnated upon Earth, to keep you aware of your true selves.

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想法是需要被规划的能量,你们的世界是我的关于你们投生想法的显现。Ideas are energy that must be formulated, and your world is the manifestation of my idea for your incarnation.

这样投生的人不能得定或不能证道,这是由于缺少相应的智慧的缘故。A person reborn in this way cannot attain absorption or the Noble Path as they lack the innate intelligence for it.

今天早上,我们讲到地球上的每个人如何体验我与伊苏双重投生的各个方面。We spoke this morning about how each person on Earth is experiencing aspects of the dual incarnation I had with Esu.