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为了紫绀病人,我们需要它。We need it for our cyanotic children.

症状有紫绀和运动不耐。Signs include cyanosis and exercise intolerance.

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临床表现为心悸和紫绀。The clinical manifestations were palpitation and cyanosis.

主要症状有咳嗽、气急与紫绀。The chief symptoms were cough, breathlessness and cyanosis.

目的探讨建立兔紫绀型心脏病动物模型的方法。ObjectiveTo establish a model of chronically cyanotic heart disease.

症状包括呼吸困难、紫绀和运动不耐。Signs include difficulty breathing, cyanosis , and exercise intolerance.

紫绀是新生儿有问题的主要的迹象。Cyanosis is the major indication that there is a problem with your newborn.

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结论紫绀型先天性心脏病心肌侧枝血管形成可能为VEGF所介导。Conclusion The VEGF may be mediate the collateral vessels formation in C, CHD.

随着到全身的血液携带的氧量的减少,紫绀变得更严重。Cyanosis becomes worse as blood with lower amounts of oxygen travels to the body.

蓝色可以显示紫绀,如缺乏流通,可以是非常严重的。Blueness can indicate cyanosis such as from lack of circulation and can be very serious.

呼吸系统主要表现为进行性呼吸困难和紫绀,最终导致呼吸衰竭而死亡。Respiratory mainly pro GREssive dyspnea and cyanosis, leading to respiratory failure and death.

目的认识和强调早期新生儿紫绀型先天性心脏病的临床症候。Objective To analysis and recognize the manifestations of early neonates with cyanotic congenital heart diseases.

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自八个月起,孩子食欲降低,唇部,手指,脚趾开始出现明显的紫绀症状。The boy has had less appetite and significant cyanotic on lips, nails, and toes has begun to appear since he was 8 months old.

某些迟发性紫绀的先天性心脏病与艾森门格综合征较难鉴别,诊断务必谨慎。Tardive cyanosis caused by some congenital heart diseases must be carefully diagnosed for the similarity to that of Eisenmenger syndrome.

TGA的婴儿大约半数在生后最初的几个小时里发现紫绀,90%的在生后头几天里发现。Cyanosis is noted in the first hours of life in about half of the infants with TGA, and within the first days of life in 90 percent of them.

大多数病例没有明显临床症状,但缺损严重会导致心脏衰竭、紫绀和运动不耐。It is an uncommon condition in dogs. Most are not clinically significant, but large defects may cause heart failure, cyanosis, and exercise intolerance.

结果发现,IPF主要表现为剧烈干咳、进行性气短、紫绀、杵状指趾和肺部捻发音。The results showed that the main manifestations of IPF were severe dry cough, progressive short breath, cyanosis, clubbed fingers and crepitant rales in lungs.

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与健康儿童相比,CHD患儿社会适应能力、紫绀型CHD患儿智商水平显著降低。The social adaptive behavior of the CHD children and the intelligence quotients in cyanotic children are significantly lower with comparison to the healthy children.