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我们有了一个新的治鸡眼的医生。We've got a new chiropodist.

一般来说,鸡眼是会消失的。Usually, the corns would disappear.

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制作治疗鸡眼及老茧的药膏Make a poultice for corns and calluses

怎么分辨姆囊炎和鸡眼?What's the difference between a bunion and a corn?

乔自以为是个相当资深的鸡眼外科医生。Joe considers himself a quite competent corn surgeon.

而硝酸银可偶尔用于治疗疣和鸡眼。And silver nitrate is occasionally used to treat warts and corns.

她就是这种人,明明自己生鸡眼,还总踩踏别人的脚趾头。A person who, because he has corns himself, always treads on other's toes.

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鸡眼和胼胝都可由不合适的鞋子引起并且在停止摩擦时会逐渐减轻。Both may be caused by ill-fitting shoes and will fade when friction stops.

这个人得的是鸡眼,先生,他臀部根本没什么问题。The man is a sufferer from corns, gentlemen, and has no hip trouble at all.

医生还指出,脚和鞋经常发生摩擦,可能引起鸡眼。Dermatologists also warn that the friction between feet and shoes might cause corns.

对大多数人来说,消除磨损源能让鸡眼和老茧消失。For most people, eliminating the source of friction helps corns and calluses disappear.

如果你看不清楚你的脚,就不要随意来修剪脚趾甲,或者处理脚部的鸡眼和硬结。Do not cut your toenails or do any kind of corn or callus removal if you cannot see well.

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本机为插中纸板与铁心钮合之专用鸡眼机。The machine forms eyelet specially for the riveting of inserted shank board and iron core.

皮肤活检显示丘疹的边缘隆起处有角化不全鸡眼样板。Skin biopsy revealed that papule contained cornoid lamellae on the top of the raised border.

虽然鸡眼和老茧看不见,但是只要它们导致不舒服,你就需要治疗它们。Although corns and calluses cannot be seen, you need treatment only if they cause discomfort.

避免脚部受伤害,有鸡眼,胼胝或者向内生长的脚趾甲及时请足病医生治疗。Avoid injury to your feet. Have corns , calluses, or ingrown toenails treated by a podiatrist.

穿不合适的鞋而引起扁平足、胼胝、鸡眼、甲沟炎的也不少。What wear improper shoe and cause flat-footed, callus, clavus , paronychia is not little also.

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在费森海姆村中间的要点,人们进来买各种药物。那里有医疗脚上鸡眼的药物。At the pharmacy in the middle of Fessenheim village, people are coming in for all sorts of things.

为了祛除皮肤上的寻常就、瘊子、鸡眼所做的冰冻手术?The common that goes up for dispel skin, the freezing operation that place of wart, clavus becomes?

第二天早上,坚硬的老茧已经软化了,鸡眼也可以很容易的去除了。The next morning, the hard, callused skin will be dissolved, and the corn should be easy to remove.