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什么动物会消失在“烟幕”里?Which animals vanish in a smoke screen?

一股烟幕延伸出岛外达数英里之遥。A pall stretched for miles away from the island.

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在展示台上有舞台烟幕和闪光的沙砾。There was stage smoke and glitter grit on the runway.

当烟幕散尽后,开始出现失谐。When the smoke cleared, the mismatches started to emerge.

烟幕在消失之前形成了一个性感的问号。Sexy question marks of smoke drifted up to the windows before vanishing.

用于制取纯硅、硅酸乙酯等,也用于制取烟幕剂。Adopted in the synthesis of pure silicon, ethyl silicate and smoke agent.

关于主权信用违约掉期的辩论是烟幕,掩盖了一个令人不快的真相。The sovereign-CDS debate is a smokescreen to obscure an unpalatable truth.

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生火制造烟幕,是古老的战争诡术。Lighting fires to create a smoke screen is an ancient ruse in military tactics.

有时我会绕开他们的问题,亮出新闻烟幕那一套,转移到别的话题。Sometimes I skirt the question, put up a journalistic smoke screen and simply deflect.

克里克将她的离去比作消除团队眼前的“巫术烟幕”。Crick likens her departure to "the smoke of witchcraft" clearing from the group's eyes.

我们的报告意在区分真正的辩论和烟幕”,兰贝克说。Our report draws the distinction between genuine debate and smokescreens, " Lambeck says.

我们的报告意在区分真正的辩论和烟幕”,兰贝克说。Our report draws the distinction between genuine debate and smokescreens, " Lambeck says."

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我的小型单引擎单翼飞机名叫“鸟狗”,只携带有烟幕火箭,以便指示出敌军的目标。My little single-engine monoplane, carrying only smoke rockets to mark targets, was Bird Dog.

烟幕是一个高大、强壮的战士,移动缓慢谨慎但威力巨大。SMOKESCREEN is a big, strong warrior that moves with slow deliberation and packs a lot of power.

烟幕的力量和洞察力能帮助汽车人赢得这场争夺迷你战士的战争吗?Can the strength and insight of SMOKESCREEN help the AUTOBOTS win the battle to claim the MINI-CONS?

舰载烟幕是防御红外成像制导导弹的一种有效措施和方法。Shipborne smoke screen is an effective terminal defensing method for infrared imaging guided missile.

首次对烟幕干扰红外热成像探测的机理进行了理论和试验研究。The theory and experiment research on the smoke interference mechanism to the IR imaging are studied.

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结合烟幕箱试验,优选出了最佳燃烧型抗红外发烟剂配方。The optimum composite of the anti-infrared smoke agent is selected through the smoke facility experiment.

红外气溶胶烟幕技术能有效对抗先进的光电武器,尤其是成像制导。IR aerosol screening smoke can countermine advanced photoelectric equipment, in particular imaging homing.

除了主跑外,他还备有烟幕榴弹发射器,以便的需要的时候确保自身能够安全迅速的撤退。Aside from its main cannon, it has smoke grenade launchers to ensure a safe and swift retreat if necessary.