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对我而言,质朴中难掩美味。For me, it’s just plain good.

质朴的真理被讥为愚陋。And simple truth miscall'd simplicity.

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面条用的是质朴的荞麦面。For noodles, I used earthy buckwheat soba.

我质朴的父兄,向来不善言辞。I pristine father and brother, always ineloquent.

这种质朴冷酷的原教旨主义也许只是一种讥讽?Is this countrified bleak fundamentalism a spoof?

然而,他们所设想的是一个旧世界,质朴的和舒适的。Yet the look they envisioned was Old World, rustic and homey.

这个房间的风格表明了他对美与质朴的憧憬。The room's style exemplifies his ideal of beauty and plainness.

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书中单纯质朴的事实是用地道的常识来讲述的。Its pure, unvarnished truth is told with down-home common sense.

但我真的很喜欢休闲和质朴的风格。but I am really into, kind of like, casual, kind of earthy look.

质朴的优雅,是根植于内心底处的生活真味。The simple grace is pure feeling of life growing in the deep heart.

这样质朴的美丽很好的表达了中国文化的特点。Such plain beauty is the right thing to characterize Chinese culture.

他一定善于朗读质朴风雅的散文。He would certainly have done more justice to simple and elegant prose.

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这些风格质朴的艺术作品表达着锦州人对生活真切的热爱。These plain-style art works display local people's strong love of life.

在事先准备好的声明中,默多克向受害者朗读了质朴直白的致歉信。In his prepared statements, Mr. Murdoch read stark apologies to victims.

质朴的粗布麻衣在这里,远远胜过虚张声势的绫罗绸缎。Pristine Cubu Mai here, far better than an empty show of the Ling-satin.

用本身孤零零的身躯,演绎着一个华美而质朴的故事。Their lone body, with a beautiful and simple interpretation of the story.

我本人同意这位女生的简明质朴的分析。I myself agree with the compendious and simple analysis of this schoolgirl.

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他那质朴的外表和轻柔的谈吐表明了他卑微的出身。His somewhat geekish appearance and soft-spoken manner bespeak his humble roots.

我真的很喜欢这种充满浓郁乡情的集市,这里有最质朴、最鲜活的生活。I like the rural fair very much for I can have a life of simplicity and vigor here.

不过对很多人而言,Facebook代表的是一种质朴的校园交友文化的回归。Yet for many people, Facebook permits a return to the simplicity of the schoolyard.