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好吧,让我们谈谈轮辋。Ok, let's talk about rims.

可能性是无穷无尽的轮辋的选择。Possibilities are endless with the choice of rims.

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新车和二手福特F150车轮和轮辋出售。New and used " Ford " F150 wheels and rims for sale.

这种制动的轮辋挤压缓慢,并停止自行车。This kind of brake squeezes the rims to slow and stop the bike.

更改在BMX自行车轮辋也涉及更改。Changing the wheel on a BMX bike also involves changing the rim.

此程序在轮辋工艺设计中具有较大的现实意义。The program will be of significance in the process design of rim.

您需要检查对轮辋的刹车片的路线。You need to check the alignment of the brake pads against the rims.

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颜色是中铜,脸色苍白,几乎透明的轮辋的琥珀。The color is medium copper-amber with a pale, almost transparent rim.

对185R14C轻载子午线轮胎进行宽轮辋优化设计。The 185R14C LTR tire design was optimized by increasing the rim width.

如果它的一系列的火山,让红色的装饰和红轮辋,例如。If it's of a series of volcanos, get red upholstery and red rims, for example.

质量,工艺和独特的设计真正的定制轮辋,拿起了一套今天。Quality, craftsmanship and true custom rims unique design, pick up a set today.

至于轮辋,高而可畏。四个轮辋周围满有眼睛。Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around.

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通常修补无内胎轮胎的破口时,无需将轮胎从轮辋上取下。Tubeless-tire punctures can usually be repaired without taking the tire off the rim.

钢铁,黄金,并概述广场青铜色轮辋,眼泪,梯形和矩形。Steel, gold and gunmetal rims outlining squares, teardrops, trapezoids and rectangles.

萨尔和他的团队中发现更多的水和接近的球少的轮辋。Saal and his team found more water in the middle and less nearer the rims of the balls.

开始拆卸轮胎时,首先应从内胎中排除空气,轮胎的轮缘一侧应推向轮辋的中心。The bead on one side of the tire should then be pushed in toward the center of the rim.

可用轮胎工具或扁平的撬棒把轮缘的一端从轮辋辋圈上撬起。A tire tool or flat stock can be used to pry one part of the bead up over the rim flange.

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但是,让他们知道你爱他们,要求对轮辋,轮胎升级和刹车!But let them know you love them enough to request upgrades on the rims, tires, and brakes!

每轮有二十八根内接于车毂、外接在轮辋的车辐。Each round there are 28 internal to the vehicle hub, an external rim of the car in the spokes.

该文提出一种半解析半数值的分析方法,对汽车轮辋挡圈的冷弯过程进行了分析。This paper put forward a semi-analytic semi-numeric method to analyze the cold bending of the hubcap.