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生如夏花,盛世浮华。Life like summer flowers, spirit.

睡梦中听见盛世的欢唱。Hearing the song of prosperity in my dreamland.

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奥康瑙尔家族盛世的光辉将一去不复返了。The full glory of the O'Connors will never return.

历史上称这一时期为“康乾盛世。”During this period in history called the "Kangxi and Qianlong."

历史上的唐朝之所以形成“开元盛世”的繁荣景象。In the history of the tang dynasty was formed "kaiyuan time" boom.

2008年参加威扬盛世中国名家邀请展。In 2008 Chinese famous states-soviet accurate invitational exhibition.

亦是我们的盛世晚宴中一个恒久的话题。It is also an enduring topics at banquets holding in flourishing ages.

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寓意盛世太平、吉祥如意、富贵绵延、圆圆满满。It implies the meaning of peace, auspiciousness, wealth and perfection.

唐、宋两代都是中国历史上著名的盛世。Tang dynasty and Song dynasty are very puissant periods in china history.

秋既是骚人哀怨的体现,又是盛世衰落的象征。The image of autumn was embodiment of poets' plaint and symbol of decline.

与此相对,天平文化也是日本的盛世文化。Similarly, the culture of Tianping is also an important cultural period in Japan.

盛世流年抹去伊人棱角分明,繁华过后徒留沉默无际无边。Time fleeting erase Mai angular, flourishing after leaving silence no border. MS.

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盛世时赦少,乱世赦多也是历史所证明的。But, history prove less pardons in brilliant times, more pardons in troubled times.

经“康乾盛世”时期的休养生息,人口迅速增长。By the "Spirit Kangxi and Qianlong" period of recuperation, rapid population growth.

盛世欢歌,飘荡在皖北大地上,余音绕梁。Now the carol of peace and prosperity prevails in the vast land of the Northern Anhui.

在一定程度上描绘了当年瑶里古镇的盛世陶瓷生产景貌。To a certain extent, depicting Yao Li was prosperous town of ceramic production scene.

盛世剧变下的晚唐诗人群体也发生了分化,大体可分穷寒、绮艳两大诗派。With late Tang Dynasty declining, great changes took place among the poets' mentality.

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在绘画方面,处处体现出盛世华彩的时代风貌。In the drawing aspect, everywhere manifests the prosperous times colorful latest trend.

苏联对新疆盛世才政策转变的因素与影响。The Change of the Soviet Union's policies on the regime of Sheng Shi-tsai and its impact.

桃红柳绿,燕舞莺歌,爆竹烟花迎盛世。Pink willow green, the hawk song, the firecracker fireworks welcomes the prosperous times.