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要是上钩了可不要怪我!Don't blame me if you get hooked!

别忘了那句话‘陷阱诱你上钩’。It says that ‘More traps will lure you away.

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有直拳和上钩拳等,多种变化。Have the straight and uppercut , many changes.

奶酪是引诱老鼠上钩的极好的东西。Cheese is very good for luring a mouse into a trap.

在法国,被愚弄的人成为“上钩的鱼”。In France, people call the April Fools “April Fish”.

“哈比人”上钩她,当她第一次约10个。"The Hobbit" first hooked her when she was around 10.

然后,他开始可怜那条已经上钩的大鱼。Then he began to pity the great fish that he had hooked.

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对我来说,这交易是不必东脑筋的事物,于是我“上钩”了。To me, this deal was a "no brainer" and I took the bait.

他马上就上钩了,接着开始蹭我。He immediately took the bait and started grinding against me.

在赛楠蓬的百般勾引下,思瓦终于“上钩”了。In every possible way seduce the nan peng, finally, tile bait.

整个过程就是一次诱骗你上钩的过程,一场情感上的勒索。The ploy was a bait and switch, an act of emotional blackmail.

也许你比他更擅长打扑克牌,也许他就是一个引人上钩的骗子。Maybe you are better than him at poker or maybe he's just a hustler.

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你告诉他到时候会有很多吃的,他会上钩的。Tell him that there will be lots of food and he will rise to the bait.

手指向眼窝猛刺——努力向上钩起,把眼珠子剜出来。Finger through the eye socket — try to hook around and pop the eye out.

现在也该是“教育调研员”上钩的时候了。Now it was the turn of the "education survey specialist" to rise to the bait.

拟饵以木材、塑胶或金属制成似鱼状且附上钩的一种钓鱼用的诱饵。A fishing lure resembling a fish made of wood, plastic or metal with hooks attached.

你的花招在十年前也许管用,但当今人们决不像你所想象的会轻易上钩的。Your trick might work ten years ago. But nowadays few are prone to rise to a bait as you think.

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简单找到你需要的书页,而且放置它因此你书呆子的头被在前面之上钩住。Simply find your page, pop it in, and position it so your bookworm's head is hooked over the front.

这时我突然发现有一条小金鱼上钩了,我使劲一拉,鱼钩往后一滑,金鱼也飞了起来!Suddenly I found a small goldfish hooked, I tugged it hardly, Next hook slided and goldfish flied up!

她初次上钩那回,痛得天翻地覆,鱼钩好像锋利的刀片,挂著全身重量划破她的舌头。The first hookings hurt like hell, the whole weight of her body tearing her tongue like a razor blade.