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这都是很主观的。It's all subjective.

设计是主观的。Design is subjective.

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这是一个主观说法。This really is subjective.

我觉得这个是主观专断。I think that it is arbitrary.

第四,主观方面的努力工作。Fourth, because we worked hard.

它们是主观综合的。They are subjectively synthetic.

客观而非主观的对待目标。Be objective rather than subjective.

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当然,“够多”这个判断是主观的。What’s “enough” is of course subjective.

不要主观臆断某项任务已经圆满完成。Don't assume the mission is accomplished.

我不能摆脱自己的主观。I cannot bracket out my own subjectivity.

三是杜甫个人的主观努力。Three is Du Fu personal subjective effort.

每个人的意见都必定是主观的。Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.

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就是这些,这是主观上的设计决策。That's all. It was a subjective design choice.

你野心勃勃、孤僻且太主观。You're ambitious, seclusive and too subjective.

只告诉他们事实而不要掺杂主观评论意见。Just give them the facts without editorializing.

永远不要主观臆断,因为那会使你我成为蠢驴。Never assume, for it makes an ASS out of U and ME.

这个数字并非来自科学家们的主观臆想。The figure is not plucked from their imaginations.

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切忌主观片面。Be careful to avoid being subjective and one-sided.

我们能从Humbert的主观中跳脱出来吗?Do we ever escape from the subjectivity of Humbert?

评分便更加困难,通常更为主观。Grading is more difficult and often more subjective.