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玻璃转变温度是用DSC仪来测定的。DSC was used to measure Tg.

基础泪液分泌测定值。Value of basal tear secretion.

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蝙蝠凭回声测定方向。A bat echolocates the direction.

溶出度测定采用HPLC法。Nateglinide was detected by HPLC.

太深,以至不能测定其深度。Too deep to be fathomed or measured.

目的测定香菊总黄酮含量。Objective To determine the flavonoid.

用该法测定不受尿色的干扰。The colour of urine do not interfere.

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以黑豆为原料,经人工去皮得到黑豆皮,并测定了去皮率。The peel rate of black bean peel is 3.

测定了漂白后各污布的白度值。The values of whiteness were measured.

我研究的是渗透压测定方法。Here's my osmotic pressure measurement.

做这样的测定,然后我们回到。We measure them for all these compounds.

系统的真空度可由真空计来测定。Vacuum system by vacuum gauge to measure.

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酸度的酚酞法测定。Determination of acidity to phenolphthalein.

测定药物对单胺递质含量的影响。Effect of drugs on the content of monoamine.

方法采用HPLC法测定红景天苷的含量。Method determination of salidroside by HPLC.

高效液相色谱法测定马钱子碱的含量。The content of brucine was measured by HPLC.

用气相色谱法测定麝香酮的含量。The content of muscone was determined by GC.

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重力值是通过使横臂恢复零位而测定的。The gravity is measured by nulling the beam.

大鼠学习记忆测定在Y型迷宫中进行。Rats were tested in a trisecting, Y type maze.

应用重原子法测定了晶体结构。The structure was solved by heavy-atom method.