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而且障碍似乎总是冷不丁地冒出来,是吧?And something always seems to pop up, right?

从来不要冷不丁地去看你上大学的孩子。Don't ever pay a surprise visit to a child in college.

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冷不丁的做某事意思是毫无准备的做某事。To do something "cold" means to do it without any preparation.

总是冷不丁的就想起以前做过的比较糗的事,比如追女生被拒绝,等等…It is quite natural that we sometimes would think of our old days.

他的政府总是冷不丁地通过一项新法,每次都以维护国家安全的名义。His government was too quick to pass new laws in the name of public safety.

在猿群中散步遭到的报应就是冷不丁一颗椰子砸在你头上。The penalty of walking among apes is an occasional cocoanut shot at your head.

你可能冷不丁地张嘴呼叫,吸进一些水。You might accidentally open your mouth to yell and accidentally breathe in some water.

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看到二女儿正修剪帽子,他冷不丁对她说。Obersving his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with.

我冷不丁给客户打电话,给那些可能是潜在顾客的,我从未见过的人打电话。I made many cold calls . I called on possible buyers from a list of people I had never seen.

准确的来说,冷不丁的来点真理,那就是自由大宪章。Precisely. Talking about taking a little bit of truth and all of a sudden, it's Magna Carta.

然后,冷不丁的这些视觉上的德性,你看它们好像它们是艺术。And then all these sudden visual virtues, you look at them as if they were art, as if they were art.

我的棉袄,在早上起床的时候会变得冰凉,冷不丁穿在身上非常难受。My wadded jacket became very cool while my getting up. Therefore it was very uncomfortable as putting it on at once.

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她还相信丈夫某天会冷不丁带着一盒蒂芙尼的珠宝首饰回家。She also believes that her husband is going to come home one day for absolutely no reason with a box from Tiffany’s.

一个地方如果女士过多,那么这个地方阴谋也更多,到处是陷阱,冷不丁的就有人在你后面捅一刀。If a place have too much women , then this place has more plot, full of traps, rather abruptly in the back stab someone in your knife.

有一位环保主义者认为,大楼如此之高,将会危及喜欢夜间迁徙的鸟类安全,因为飞鸟完全可能“砰”地一声撞在冷不丁出现的障碍物上。Such tall buildings, a conservationist there protested, would interfere with the night migration of birds, which would bang into the unexpected obstructions.

但是这些号称“刺激”的计划,朝向经济浩劫暗礁行驶的船只,打着复苏经济的旗号,冷不丁可能会顺利通过国会决议。But call these projects "stimulus," and suddenly a ship headed for the reef of economic disaster might sail through Congress flying the flag of economic recovery.

冷不丁地看见他折断的骨头和流满脸庞浸透衣服的血,我深深地感受到了他的痛苦。Taken aback by the sight of his broken skull and the amount of blood that soaked his face and clothes, I realized the difficulty of separating myself from his pain.

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你冷不丁地亲切和善又情调颇高,你要是在一种没有刺激可言的稳定的可预知的关系中,你就会感到焦躁不安。You are impulsively affectionate and flirtatious at this time, and you feel quite restless if you are in a stable, predictable relationship that offers little excitement.

那一年大街上所有高音喇叭里放的基本上都是这首歌,“妹妹你坐船头,哥哥我岸上走”,冷不丁还以为所有的城市都成了水城威尼斯。That year the streets all over loudspeakers, let's basically the song, "the first boat of your sister, brother and I go ashore, " Leng Buding thought of all the cities have become Shuicheng Venice.