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好吧,不管好歹,反正我按铃了。Well, anyhow, I rang the bell.

好歹也是“发现不老泉的人”耶。Discoverer of the Fountain of Youth.

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你好歹是个部门经理.不要来问我怎么办.You are a section chief, don`t ask me.

谢天谢地,好歹这是个值得通过的法案。Thank goodness, it is still a bill worth passing.

他们的薪水很低,但无论如何,他们好歹拥有一份工作。Their wages are low, but at least they have jobs.

他生气地大吼,您好歹是在欧洲,在美国受过教育的。He demanded irritably . You were schooled in Europe and America.

似乎出和谐,好歹,与美丽的诺言一天。It seems out of harmony, someway, with the beauty and promise of the day.

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最后,好歹不孬在我大学和济南市里都有了些荣誉,不过不大够啊!At last , I win some honours in my college and JiNan, but it isn't enough!

饺子这关好歹算是过了,我开始转攻鸡肉和豆腐。With dumplings more or less conquered, I moved on to the chicken and tofu.

即使不计他此番挑战所依赖的上述思维混乱,此举好歹也是雄心壮志。That would be ambitious even without the muddle that underpins his challenge.

应该好歹来管理不同的大小和颜色相同的物品来。There should be someway to manage same items coming in different sizes and colors.

那天结束后,人们可能会说,“真是个阴惨的日子。我们好歹弄完了。”So that ever after it might be said that, "it was a sad old day, we did it, after all."

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你必须能自行推断命运的好歹,而不需算命师。You yourself are able to infer your destiny without seeking help from the future teller.

我将控制杆推倒头顶上方,着陆到了地面,虽然不甚平稳,但好歹还是站住了——接着我又返回到了山上。I pushed the control bar over my head and landed, unsteady but on my feet—then headed back uphill.

她现在好歹算是个未来公司股东啊,这一步,登得够高!She now be somehow regarded as company shareholder for a future, this an step, ascend enough highly!

那个背筐拾破烂的妇人识得好歹,她对那三个看门婆微笑,何等的微笑!This rag-picker was a grateful creature, and she smiled, with what a smile! On the three portresses.

不过这个好歹比他作为武士时那身裸出上身,露出一身野性纹身的外表好点。It’s probably better not to bring up the shirtless-with-wild-tattoos look he had while he was Warrior.

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好歹她网站上也有浇上香蒜酱汁的烤南瓜通心粉和南瓜布丁的菜谱呀。She has recipes for roasted pumpkin penne with autumn pesto and pumpkin pudding on her website, after all.

中国国足未能进入南非世界杯决赛圈,不过好歹也是正在进步的亚洲足球中的一份子了。China didn't qualify for the Finals in South Africa but are part of an improving quality of football in Asia.

李强觉得自己很白痴,好歹也是大学毕业,获得学士学位的人,怎么会听不明白傅山的话。Li Qiang feel very idiot, someway also university graduates, obtain the degree, how would not understand the Fu Shan.