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她嗖嗖地走进了房间。She swished into the room.

他气愤地嗖嗖地抽打他的靴子。He angrily swished his boot.

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今天冷嗖嗖的。It's cool today. It's nippy today.

子弹在我们的头顶上嗖嗖飞过。The bullets sizzled over our heads.

它的音调比尼龙发出的“嗖嗖”声低。It less of the nylon ' swish ' to it.

他挥动镰刀嗖嗖地割掉了杂草的草尖。He swished the tops off weeds with a sickle.

什么是嗖嗖啪他们为他们去了!What a whizzing and popping they made as they went off!

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呼吸器嗖嗖地把空气推进他的肺部。The ventilator whooshed as it pushed air into his lungs.

房子里冷嗖嗖的,没有卫生间,不过这没什么。It didn't even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom.

耳中只听见滑雪板滑过雪地的嗖嗖声。The only sound you hear is your skis swishing through the snow.

我尤其喜欢它们飞驰而过时发出的嗖嗖声。I especially like the wooshing sound they make as they go flying by.

当树在他们身边慢慢稳定下来的时候,传出一阵巨大的嗖嗖声。There was a powerful swishing sound as the tree settled around them.

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我依稀记得空气从车厢的墙上喷出来的嗖嗖声。Vaguely I remember the whooshing of air coming through vents in the walls.

苏夫人一听林媚的话,心头的火气“嗖嗖”上涨。If Su's madam a listen to Lin Mei, quick temper"Sou Sou" of the at heart soars.

接着,劲风骤起,一路卷起尘土飞扬。冷嗖嗖的,预示着即将来临的一切。Then a gust of wind ships the dust along the road, chill warning of what is to come.

就在一辆电力轿车嗖嗖飞奔时,最惊人之处是动力部分的怪异的悄无声息。WHEN an electric car swishes by, most striking is the eerie silence of its power unit.

我喜欢最后期待。我尤其喜欢它们飞驰而过时发出的嗖嗖声。I love deadlines . I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.

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我喜欢最后期限。我尤其喜欢他们飞驰而过时发出的嗖嗖声。I love deadliness. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.

我喜欢最后期限。我尤其喜欢他们飞驰而过时发出的嗖嗖声。I love deadlines. I especially like the wooshing sound they make as they going flying by.

我见过有些他这个年龄的老手在冷嗖嗖的晚上来这一套,一两分钟就没事了。I've seen older hands of his age took the same way, for a minute or two, on a cold night.