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为什么实行夏时制的日子被称为“绿色日子”?Green days.

今天就是那个日子。This was the day.

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大日子在什麽时候?Whens the big day?

大喜的日子是哪一天?When’s the big day?

又是大雪纷飞的日子。Is a heavy snow days.

好,由你定个具体日子吧。Ok, you name the day.

这些日子真紧张。These are hectic days.

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那是一个酷热的日子。The day was a scorcher.

没有你的日子了无生趣。Vapid days without you.

她天天都在数着日子。She is counting the days.

这是个值得纪念的日子。This is a red-letter day.

今天是个大吃大喝的日子!Today is one pig-out day!

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我们大家都有过事事不顺心的日子。We all have had bad days.

那是一个天高气爽、阳光明媚的日子。It is a bright, sunny day.

今天是个风平浪静的日子。It's a windless day today.

她每天都在数着日子。She eis counting the days.

最难熬的日子也有绝顶。The longet day has an end.

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醒来闻闻这日子的芬芳吧!Wake up and smell the day!

多少个快活日子,约翰。And mony a canty day, john.

于是,我的日子也流走了。Thus my days passy by also.