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岂都是得恩赐医病的吗。Have all the gifts of healing?

认识你是给了我恩赐。I am priviledged to have known you.

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不要安于半发展的恩赐,要竭力进取学习。Don't settle for a half-developed gift.

感谢天主,为他莫可名言的恩赐!Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.

使用我的才干和恩赐帮助他人。Using my talents and gifts to help others.

上帝已经给了我那么多恩赐,我自忖。God has blessed me with so much, I thought.

为什么我们会有这种本能,这种恩赐呢?Why do we possess this instinct, this gift?

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感谢神,因他有说不尽的恩赐。Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

我是否曾经因所得的恩赐而自夸、自大?Have I boasted and been prideful for my gifts?

感谢神,因他有说不尽的恩赐。Now thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift!

你把神给你的恩赐发挥到了极至。You have to do the best with what god give you.

圣洁而知耻的妇女,乃无上的恩赐。A holy and shamefaced woman is grace upon grace.

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因为它会帮助我们面对一切,包括祢给我们的恩赐。And it’ll help us face anything, even the gifting.

他告诉我,脚踏泵真是上天的恩赐。He told me that the treadle pump was a gift from God.

这就是我说的‘来自高维度的恩赐。That’s why it’s called the blessing of dimensionality.

从来没有不属灵的恩赐,只有被误用的恩赐。There are no unspiritual abilities, just misused ones.

神圣的光洁再度恩赐大地。Its divine illuminations glorified the land once again.

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要不断发现,并把你所发现的恩赐记下来,列成清单。Keep noticing, and make a list of the gifts you notice.

保罗敦促提摩太将「神的恩赐再如火挑旺起来」。Paul urges Timothy to "fan into flame the gift of God."

因此,我们须将上帝的诸多恩赐传递给他人。We’re to pass on to others God's many kinds of blessings.