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一条绘声绘色的小道消息正在传来传去。A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.

她绘声绘色地描述了她在热带丛林中的生活。She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.

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说罢老师就绘声绘色地读了起来。Vivid description of the teacher to read these words up.

那男孩绘声绘色地谈著他的热带丛林之行。The boy talks in an animated way about his trip to the jungle.

那男孩绘声绘色地谈著他的热带丛林之行。The boy talked in an animated way about his trip to the jungle.

演讲人用很多手势和动作绘声绘色地描述他的故事。The speechmaker dramatized his story with many gestures and actions.

这个记者把报道写得绘声绘色,以求博得那家周刊编辑们的青睐。The newsman jazzed up the story to sell himself to the editor of the weekly.

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在每个对书呆子绘声绘色的定义中,你都能找到怪咖的影子。For every great definition of nerd, you can find the same definition of geek.

人们说得绘声绘色,仿佛都亲自经历过一样。People talked about it vividly, as if they had all experienced it themselves.

三人中,要数爸爸讲的最多,他说起市场的事情常常是绘声绘色,手舞足蹈。Three people, is the father of the most, it is vivid, he talked about the market.

戒烟广告在过去的几年里变得越来越绘声绘色,甚至令人毛骨悚然了。Anti-smoking ads have gotten increasingly graphic, even gruesome in the past few years.

我们排队买饭的时候,他和杰西卡在绘声绘色地谈论打雪仗的情形。He and Jessica were talking animatedly about the snow fight as we got in line to buy food.

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在课堂上,老师绘声绘色的讲课,拿着粉笔在黑板上奋笔疾书,同学。In class, teacher teach vivid, take a chalk speed her chalk on the black board . students.

恰好你"绘声绘色"的讲了出来,那么你经理也知道你是个长舌妇了。And if you play any part in its proliferation, chances are your manager will know that, too.

这位美国客还绘声绘色地给记者描述了一个双城故事。The visitors also made a promise to the United States to describe a reporter twin cities story.

在金贝尔的审判庭上,陪审员们耳闻目睹了那些绘声绘色的充斥着种族谩骂的电子邮件和暴力言论的电话。At Gimbel's trial, jurors were shown vivid e-mails filled with racial invective and calls to violence.

她绘声绘色地讲述了黑色的狗、红色老鼠、黄色的鸟和一个要她签名的“黑人”。She described elaborate images of black dogs, red cats, yellow birds and a "black man" who wanted her to sign his book.

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生物课上,教师正在绘声绘色地讲蝙蝠的样子。有两名学生面对面地、叽叽喳喳地说个不停。In biology class, while the teacher were explaining the aspect of bat lively, two students face to face talked on and on.

他还绘声绘色地说起另外一个人,这个人可能最为险恶——一个说话声音像年轻人,像猫头鹰似地眯着眼睛的老人。And he described another man, perhaps the most dangerous of them all-an old man with a young voice who could hood his eyes like a hawk.

每天下午到了时间,临窗的病人被扶起来坐在床上时,总是把窗外看到的一切绘声绘色地讲给病友听。Every afternoon when the man next to the window was propped up for his hour, he would pass the time by describing what he could see outside.