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我是守门员。I play goalie, myself.

那个守门员棒极了。The goal-keeper was great!

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我们少一个好的守门员。We lack a good goalkeeper.

我是说你是守门员。I mean you're a goaltender.

你是我最喜欢的守门员!You're my favorite goalie !

那是守门员应该说的话。That's what the goalie said.

可惜守门员将球挡出球门。But the goalie fenced it out.

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守门员竟完全没机会挡球。The goal-keeper hadn't a chance.

高佳是申花队的守门员。Core Jia is the goalie for Shen Hua.

守门员差一点扑住球。The goalkeeper just missed the ball.

约翰在那个曲棍队当守门员。John played goal for the hockey team.

他用力把球顶过了守门员。He powered his header past the goalie.

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他代替他哥哥当守门员。He replaced his brother as goalkeeper.

他故意冲撞守门员。He deliberately roughed the goal-keeper.

守门员完成了一个超级救球。The goalkeeper brought off a superb save.

守门员有一次精彩的鱼跃救球。The goalkeeper made a fantastic diving save.

守门员正在组织筑人墙。The goalkeeper organizing to build up a wall.

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守门员们与威里亚姆。维奇训练。The keepers worked apart with Villiam Vecchi.

守门员完美的抓住了那个高明的进球.The goalkeeper caught the good cake prefectly.

这次竞赛中真正的俊杰是替考的守门员。The real hero of the match was our goalkeeper.