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这种洗剂只可外用。This lotion is for external use only.

生藤黄只能作外用。Health Garcinia for external use only.

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方法派瑞松外用皮损处。Methods Pererson was used on the skin lesion.

这药是外用的,不可内服。The medicine is for external use, not to drink.

而且箱外用牢固的铁丝捆紧,以保安全。And they'll have strong wires round them for safety.

外用手、皮肤消毒,冲洗创口。Outside the hands, skin disinfection, washing wound.

至于肉和皮,却在营外用火烧掉。the flesh and the hide he burned up outside the camp.

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结论威驰搽剂是一种安全性较好的外用制剂。Conclusion Wei-chi embrocation is safe for external use.

我就会还给您生发剂和一瓶外用药水,请用滴管把药水滴在头皮上,每日两次。I'm also giving you some hair tonic and a bottle of lotion.

可以用“马应龙痔疮膏”外用就行了。Can use " Ma Yinglong haemorrhoid creams " external use went.

治疗蛇咬伤。外用和内服。Treatment of snake bites. Applied topically and taken orally.

结论复方益肤乳膏是一种安全性较好的外用制剂。Conclusion Compound Yifu Cream is a safe external preparation.

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这个乳油是外用的护肤品,可别让宝宝误食啊。The face cream is for protecting skin and for external use only.

如明装风管,则可在管外用螺丝固定风口。If that installed duct can be in the external screw fixed outlet.

皮安尼把一个大酒瓮的木塞子拨了出来,酒瓮外用柳条包好。Piani was taking the wooden cork out of a big wicker-covered wine jug.

所有外用类维他命A都能有效治疗光损坏皮肤。All of the topical retinoids effectively treat actinically damaged skin.

结论昆明山海棠霜外用具有止痒作用且比较安全。Conclusion THH has antipruritic effect and is safe when used externally.

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贵方的货物将用木箱包装,内衬锡板,外用铁箍加固。You goods will be packed in wooden cases with tin-lining and iron hoops.

其它的可以经过外用和内服产品来处置!Other products can be subjected to external and internal use to dispose of!

目前的治疗方法包括局部皮肤外用类固醇激素和光疗。Current treatments include steroids applied to patchy skin and phototherapy.